Dear Chelsea,
Well, Older me anyways... Hi, how are ya?! Things are decent here, still sort of shaky. I wonder how it is with you now? What's the love life like? What's his (or her) name? What kind of personality do they carry? Are they funny? Aha, anyways I'll stop the interrogation. Wait, do we have a dog?! What breed? Name?
I hope you stuck through with the military plan. It will be pretty cool to be a Naval firefighter... I think so anyways. Are we stationed on a ship or submarine? How many countries have we been to? (Have we kissed any foreign guys?!) JUST KIDDING... maybe. The way it's looking, if I sign my papers and swear in in January, I'll leave around late December or early January. That being said, I should have finished my environmental science degree in December. Oh how did Australia and New Zealand? What grades did you make?
Anyways, I started Jiu-Jitsu classes. Did you keep up with it? How fit are we? Can we beat dads ass yet? Aha, yet again just kidding. I hope with all my heart that things worked out for the better. I know I'm super stressed and completely unfocused on the important things right now. There's too much outside stress for me to even think straight. I do know I'm keeping Jiu-Jitsu classes and running conditioning with Alec up. I really don't think people know just how much this Military career means to me... I have so many memories in this area, that being around here literally hurts my heart. I need a change, and a drastic one at that. I need to be my own person, which I don't even know who she is because K leaving took her away too. I haven't taken the time to be me... I hope we change that in the future. I hope we found someone who doesn't mind the completely damaged past, and who accepts us for past and present. That's something we need, right? That's a touchy subject, so I won't delve too deep.
Keep your chin up. Queens don't let their tiaras fall, remember? I hope we learned our lesson, on everything. You are my biggest hero, and my goals to do great things are inspired by who I aim to be. I have so many goals for myself, and I hope and pray (to what ever deity) that we stick to the plan and make the best out of our-self.