What's Next For America? | The Odyssey Online
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What's Next For America?

Trump's victory stunned the world. What's next?

What's Next For America?

America and the world were shocked after the stunning victory of Donald J. Trump and his uphill battle to win the presidency against the established Washington insider, Hillary Clinton. Despite not winning the popular vote by a slim margin, Trump's rhetoric was able to gain Rust Belt voters that the Democrats took for granted, exacerbating the longstanding problem of Democratic voters being lazy and not voting. With Trump's recent win, the entire political landscape of America - and the world - have been changed significantly.

The big question is whether Trump will follow through on his many campaign promises. This includes building a southern border wall, putting an immigration ban on Muslims, repealing Obamacare, and more. The newly elected Republican majority Congress would help Trump pass many of his ideas, but many Republicans in Congress disagree with Trump's policies and want to revise or refuse his policies. Trump has also expressed interest in keeping many parts of Obamacare and putting off the Republican belief that Hillary Clinton should be jailed.

Given Trump's presidency and the full Republican House and Senate, Trump may be able to appoint a conservative justice on the Supreme Court. President Obama tried vouching for Merrick Garland back when judge Antonin Scalia died but the Senate blocked his candidate and didn't even vet or hear Garland.

Trump's win has caused protests and riots across the country, with the popular phrase "Not my President" being repeated many times. Over 500,000 people have even signed a petition asking for electors to change their votes to Clinton because she won the popular vote. Obama and Hillary have called for supporting the President, but that support is iffy and unstable, as conservatives quickly turned on Obama when he was elected and there is already a strong liberal resentment against Trump.

Many world leaders congratulated Trump, including Putin, Xi Jinping, Rodrigo Duterte, and Boris Johnson. Other world leaders offered lukewarm felicitations, indicating their apprehensiveness about the political wild card. Trump's emphasis on populism could affect the foreign policy landscape for years to come.

Trump will want to accomplish many things and institute his vision for an America that will supposedly become great again.

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