I don't know about you, but somehow I have the most random things in my briefcase by the end of the week that I guess at one point during the week had a meaning. I am not talking about clutter or random receipts, even though yes you can find my gas receipt in my wallet because for some reason I think I'll need it one day and always click yes. I am talking about just straight up strange items in my briefcase.
1. Toothbrush
Am I the only one who doesn't like smelling like my lunch during the day as I'm headed into an afternoon meeting? This one I don't find that odd. It's pretty practical actually.
2. The un-eaten Chef Boyardee mini ravioli cup
Better luck Monday. I throw these in my bag in the morning all the time for lunch. They're extremely convenient for those of you who are like me stranded in your cubicle room with only a shared microwave but no fridge.
3. Sudafed
I have no time for sickness. The second I feel like I may have a sore throat, chug the vitamin C and maybe take some medicine. If I'm sick I can't go to work or go to school... it's just inconvenient.
4. Hand sanitizer
Speaking of not getting sick, always have some hand sanitizer handy. Pun intended. Really though, you want clean kept hands for all those handshakes you're doling out as a working woman.
5. Chocolate
I am your go to if you need some chocolate at work. Salted Caramel is my favorite stash. It works as a little reward for yourself too when you absolutely star a project but no one else is there to celebrate with you in your cubicle.
6. Headphones
For me these are essential because I work a desk job where it can sometimes get noisy around me when I'm trying to focus. They also work great when it's dead silent around you on Thursday afternoon and you need some jams to keep yourself going.
7. Planner
Ah yes. I cannot go anywhere without this because I honestly have no idea what my schedule is and couldn't tell you off the top of my head. These are great so you never forget the little things like bringing in a textbook for a coworker.
8. Water
Pinky's up Patrick. Contrary to popular belief, water keeps you more awake than coffee. You become tired when you're dehydrated so it's best to keep your water bottle with ya.
9. A pair of jeans
I'll admit I have brought a change of clothes to work because I have a busy schedule bouncing from school and back and sometimes I just don't want to walk around campus in my slacks.
10. My work
Yes. Believe it or not in my big bag there is actual work. Most of my work is on a computer, but my drives and notes are kept safely in my bag.
What are the oddities in your briefcase?