You would be amazed at how many people ask me regularly about being in a campus ministry.
Also, this is not meant to be an advertisement for the one I attend, it just happens to be where I feel most comfortable after attending several on Mercer's campus.
College students aren’t supposed to prioritize their spiritual life over everything else college has to offer.
Why do we do this?
Why do we gather every Tuesday night each week in the same place?
What does this mean for all of us?
College students are busy, so to dedicate their time to anything is a big deal. Especially something that doesn’t serve another purpose. Being a part of a campus ministry doesn’t go on your resume or your transcript for a grade.
So what's the big deal?
It’s a break from the world around us. It’s centering and a reminder about our purpose here on Earth. It’s also a social gathering, and helps us gain friends who love us, support us, and won’t ever give up on us. Without this community, life would be very different. I wouldn’t have a safe space on campus where I can and always go, kick off my shoes, and put my feet on the table. It’s important for every college student to find their home away from home. This is my home.
For some people that can be a person, an organization, a professor’s office, which are all well and fine, but for me it doesn’t compare. Home away from home for me is the broken down green couches, faded yellow chairs, and the endless supply of food in the Wesley House.
Why? It doesn’t sound extremely special.
Well my friends, it’s not because of the decor or even my religious beliefs. It’s the friendly faces I see when I walk in the door. It’s the sound of laughter you can hear from the street. It is my second home.
So come on in, give it a try. We normally have snacks, fun tv shows, and a house full of love and laughter. Thank you my friends for providing an escape, study room, and a house full of Jesus’s love all in one. Thank you for putting up with my laughter and tears. Many people don’t understand why I love Tuesday and Thursday nights but those at the Wesley House do. It’s because I get to hang out with my second family. Even though I have other responsibilities, it’s a release of stress from the week for me. It’s special and rare to find something that loves me unconditionally as much as I love it.
So go on in. Try it out. See what religious life has to offer you.
And most of all, here’s to you finding your home away from home.