What keeps holding you back from achieving your goals? If you truly want something, then go for it!
You have hopes and dreams and aspirations. We all do. Sometimes we are so afraid of making these hopes, dreams, and aspirations public because we are afraid of failure. Sometimes we are so afraid of even contemplating these hopes, dreams, and aspirations because we lack the confidence to go forth and make them come true.
There are always excuses for anything. Seriously, anything! We do not have to try very hard to come up with ten or twenty reasons not to do something. Our brains always default to the concern of worries that may or may not happen. We imagine the worst-case scenario. This imaginative worst-case scenario prevents us from propelling forward because we are so certain that the worst possible thing will actually occur.
So what if it does?
We will still find a way to learn from that situation, in the worst-case scenario, and then continue moving forward. Even in the worst possible situation, we change what we thought we wanted as it evolves with our experiences.
Again, I ask: if you want something, what is holding you back?
We are only given one life on this earth, in this body. With that in mind, and taking into account the vast amount of opportunities available to us, we should be striving to do what makes us fulfilled. In doing so, there are going to be setbacks. It is inevitable. Accepting that setbacks are inevitable might not be the best feeling at first, but it eventually helps to ease the fear of setbacks. If they are inevitable, then when they do occur, it should not be that big of a deal; you must have known it would happen eventually.
Other than the worry about setbacks, what else is preventing you from attaining your hopes, dreams, and goals?
Take a moment to reflect on determining what your hopes, dreams, and goals are. Be as specific as you would like. Then conjure a general timeline of what it is going to take to start working towards eventually achieving them. Lastly, don't omit identifying what could possibly prevent these hopes, dreams, and goals from commencing. Think about what scares you the most. Then realize that you are strong and resilient.
If you truly want your hopes, dreams, and goals, then you will find a way to meet them.