The most popular man on campus seems to be a little pink whale. His cute smile and color variations seem to have both boys and girls by their wallets. But what about this little sea animal has people obsessed?
Bringing back the craze that we all feel when an overpriced preppy brand becomes the new thing, Vineyard Vines is the current black hole for our college budgets. I too am guilty of spending more than I should for the little guy. My white baseball cap and abundance of pastel sweaters are proof. The thoughts that ran through my head to justify my purchases revolved around, "When will I actually end up yachting in Connecticut?," and, "New Jersey is considered New England right? So it's still considered preppy?" But what I think is behind the craze is the same thing that was behind our middle school days of frantically hoarding Abercrombie and our abstinence from all things Gap.
We're all afraid of how others see us. We all want to wear the newest trend and have a shiny new toy. Don't get me wrong; it's nothing to be ashamed of. Self-perception and group dynamics are traits hardwired into our core. These brands reinforce the small voice in our minds asking if this outfit is okay to wear to class. It's like a security blanket for what to wear every day. By wearing the clothes that everyone else is, you automatically know that they can't call you out for how you're dressed.
If you're reading this article and thinking that I'm wrong, that you only buy Vineyard Vines because you like the look and fit -- then I say, good for you! I'm glad you have found a brand that properly represents yourself and fits your body. Those matches are hard to come by. Feel free to close out of this article and thanks for reading.
But when all is said and done, there will be a time after Vineyard Vines. It's a trend that will pass with some time. Like we do with our Hollister sweaters, they'll end up in our mom's annual garage sale, or sent to those cousins somewhere who "aren't as lucky to have nice things." We'll all look back, shake our heads, laugh, then head to the malls for the next craze. My bet is that it'll be even more expensive.