Here's Everything Coming To Netflix In January | The Odyssey Online
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Here's Everything Coming To Netflix In January

Get out your popcorn and prepare to binge-watch these shows and movies next month.

Here's Everything Coming To Netflix In January
Huffington Post

It's our favorite hello and the hardest goodbye. I'm talking about Netflix. Every month new things come and some leave, so what does January 2017 have in store for us? Here are a few new titles for us all to binge on! Note: not everything is listed.

January 1st

  • "Around the World in 80 Days"
  • "After Innocence"
  • "Bee Movie"
  • "Boogie Nights"
  • "Braveheart"
  • "Caddyshack"
  • "Collateral Damage"
  • "Dreamcatcher"
  • "El Dorado"
  • "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial"
  • "Halo Legends"
  • "Hugo"
  • "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never"
  • "License to Drive"
  • "Nancy Drew"
  • "Ocean's Twelve"
  • "The Parent Trap"
  • "The Perfect Physique"
  • "The Rat Race"
  • "Real Detective, season 1"
  • "The Shining"
  • "Superman: The Movie"
  • "Superman II"
  • "Superman III"
  • "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace"
  • "Superman Returns"
  • "To Be A Miss"
  • "Trudell"
  • "V for Vendetta"
  • "Vanilla Sky"

January 3rd

  • "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, season 11"
  • "Jen Kirkman: Just Keep Livin'? (Netflix original)"

January 6th

  • "Coin Heist (Netflix original)"
  • "Degrassi: Next Class, season 3 (Netflix original"
  • "Growing Up Coy"
  • "Mar de Plastico, season 1"
  • "One Day at a Time, season 1 (Netflix original)"
  • "Tarzan and Jane, season 1 (Netflix original)"

January 7th

  • "Alpha and Omega 7"
  • "Miss Sharon Jones!"
  • "Under the Shadow"

January 9th

  • "Best and Most Beautiful Things"
  • "Ratchet and Clank"

January 10th

  • "As I Open My Eyes"
  • "Best Friends Whenever, season 2"
  • "Happily Married"
  • "Jim Gaffigan: Cinco (Netflix original)"
  • "We're Lalaloopsy, season 1 (Netflix original)"

January 11th

  • "Disney's Alice Through the Looking Glass"

January 13th

  • "A Series of Unfortunate Events, season 1 (Netflix original)"
  • "Aquarius"
  • "Casablancas: The Man Who Loved Women"
  • "Clinical"
  • "Historia de un clan, season 1 (Netflix original)"
  • "It Follows"
  • "The Investigator: A British Crime Story, season 1 (Netflix original)"

January 14th

  • "Camp X-Ray"
  • "Cardboard Boxer"
  • "Estar O No Estar"

January 15th

  • "A Beautiful Now"
  • "Hostage to the Devil"
  • "Señora Acero, season 3"
  • "Twisted Trunk, Big Fat Body"
  • " Wartime Portraits, season 1"

January 16th

  • "Flash of Genius"
  • "Halloweed"
  • "Rezort"

January 17th

  • "Fatima"
  • "Neal Brennan: 3 Mics (Netflix original)"
  • "Roger Corman's Death Race 2050"

January 19th

  • "Good Kids"

January 20th

  • "Frontier, season 1 (Netflix original)"
  • "Papa"
  • "Take the 10 (Netflix original)"
  • "Voltron: Legendary Defender, season 2 (Netflix original)"

January 21st

  • "Bates Motel, season 4"
  • "Grami's Circus Show, season 2"

January 24th

  • "Cristela Alonzo: Lower Classy (Netflix original)"
  • "Gad Gone Wild (Netflix original)"
  • "Hieronymus Bosch: Touched by the Devil"
  • "Kill Command"
  • "Terrace House: Aloha State, season 1: Part 1 (Netflix original)"

January 25th

  • "Era el cielo"

January 27th

  • "Home: Adventures with Tip & Oh, season 2 (Netflix original)"
  • "iBOY (Netflix original)"
  • "Kazoops!, season 2 (Netflix original)"
  • "Shadows of Truth"
  • "Sharknado: The 4th Awakens"

January 28th

  • "Ripper Street, season 4"

January 30th

  • "Antibirth"
  • "Swing State"

January 31st

  • "Bill Burr Stand Up Special (Netflix original)"

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