What if when lightning struck, it didn't kill or destroy, but instead it ignited life? What if car accidents were like bumper cars, and when you collided you just bounced off of each other? What if we could blow out a house fire like a candle, and diseases didn't kill you, but only visited briefly?
What if most of life, we did not fear death so much? Would we live more, experience more?
There are two main aspects in the human mind: Life ad Death. There is no living in the absence of death, and there is no death if there is no life.
It's very reasonable to be afraid of death, and to hate it for taking away the people we love, but something I like to think about is how much we decide to live before death, before fear?
It's inevitable, and eventually all of us will experience darkness indirectly and directly, but we can't let the fear of the unknown future prevent us from living and loving to the absolute extreme, today. Say what you need to say, don't be afraid of what you don't know because then you'll never learn anything,
There is a lyrics from a song by an artist named Fink: "Fear is like fire, you can burn your house down with it." And this is such a truthful lyrics. If we live life in fear of everything that may go wrong, than you will never experience right. You will never experience the unexpected, and if you never experience life, unpredictable raw life, than you will become afraid of it. Humans are afraid of the unknown, which is also why we fear death. The aftermath of life is like time, it has no ending and only one beginning that we know of. No one truly knows what happens when your soul leaves your body is the last breath, but we must find content in the unknown by experiencing life, so when death comes, you can greet it like an old friend with a lot of stories to talk about.
Today I have full belief that our Country is living in fear. It is a terrible thing what fear can do. It can blind you from thinking, from rationality, from living. I believe we fear the outside world, outside of what we've made our own. We have willingly put ourselves as people, in a situation where we are blocking out and fearing other people. Because of what? The death of our success? The death of those living? The truth is that as many American whom are dying, equal to the amount of other people dying in their own countries. Because of this make believe fear we have created within our planet, we are letting fear guide us to shutting out the rest of the world. And that is shutting off life. We are letting ourselves become blind to the rest of the world, from fear.
When you think of your home country, you think of America, and you want to protect your home. Everyone has their own idea of a perfect America and a nostalgic memory of the life you want to live here, and that is a wonderful thing. Although sometimes we forget how small America is to the entire world. It is difficult to fathom the amount of people we see every day. Every car we drive past, every stranger we don't even glance at, they have their own mind and family and place and thought process. They have their own dreams and journeys, their own memories and stories. And that's only in our town, our state. The amount of people in Northern Ohio seem like enough people for the entire planet, or at last it seems so. Humans are so small, and there are so many of us. It is hard for me to fathom that America is so abundant, and just across the way is France and Italy. China. India. Australia. Russia. We share the same waters, the same air. We are all living on this single planet, yet we are purposely creating fire and violence between us. We are destroying our own lives, because of the fear of the unknown. The fear of destroying and death. And because of this fear, the only death present is the death we have created blindly ourselves.
It's not easy to love, I'm one to know that. You have to make a choice in life: Sacrifice your own mind and security and not love anyone who can came in between that...or, give yourself to other people and let them be a part of you. Neither choice is easy. It isn't easy to be alone and it isn't easy to let people into your life. But we must stop acting in the hands of fear as humans. We must come to an understanding of each other. An understanding of different cultures and beliefs. Different should not scare us, it should intrigue us and inspire us.
It's like there's an enormous tray of an assortment of cookies, an unbelievable amount, and the only one you let yourself try is the oatmeal-raisin. How many of you even like oatmeal-raisin when there's a double chocolate chip two plates over? It looks different, it was made different, as a raisin you don't quite understand chocolate, so instead of going over and experiencing it and sharing in their ways, you build a wall around your raisins and shoot fire at the chocolate. And now? We have no double chocolate chip cookies, look what you've done. Are you happy?