Going into my first semester of college, I had a mixture of feelings, which I guess is normal for anyone going into a new season of life. I have to admit, a lot of things changed while some stayed the same. I have settled in and absolutely love college life. I thought I would list a few of the things I have learned from my experience so far.
1. High school can prepare you for college.
I had always heard before starting college that it was so much different from high school. Even though this information is true, I felt well prepared for college. Your study habits and learning styles do not change, and if you develop and learn about these while still in high school, it will greatly help you be successful. Taking dual enrollment and advanced placement courses can also help. Your hard work pays off, trust me!
2. Learning material the first time saves time.
Rushing through assignments just to get them done may save you time at first, but when tests roll around, you will wish you hadn't. Retaining the information you learn also requires less studying during exam when you need all the time you can get. Space your studying over time and don't let deadlines sneak up on you. Procrastination is not your friend.
3. Things are never as bad as you think they're going to be.
When you're feeling overwhelmed and have a million things to do, just tell yourself you can do it. When assignments and tests pile up, do not waste time stressing over them. Just study and get your work done. You are smart, competent, and capable.
4. Take time to talk to your family; they want to know what's going on in your life.
Don't get so busy that you neglect time with your family. Even if it's just a quick phone call during one of your study breaks, let them know how you're doing. They care about you, and if you're honest with yourself, you know you would not have made it this far without them
5. You do not lose all your friends after high school, and you get to meet some new ones in college.
I still talk to my two best friends from high school everyday; you do not lose your true friends. You lose touch with others but that's okay. You make new friends from college, and they're pretty great too.
6. You change as a person during this experience. You are growing up.
I have to admit I have changed over the past few months. I have grown closer in my walk with the Lord and became more confident in who I am. This stage of life is preparing you for the real world. It is going by so fast and will be done before you know it. One semester down, 7 to go!
7. Breaks are much needed and greatly appreciated.
Breaks are one of the best things about college. Do I really have to say anything else?