It's going to be okay. I promise.
All the negativity, fear, disbelief and throw-your-hands-in-the-air moments of this election season will end Tuesday night. Our next president will be named.
Many people are resigned to the fact that whoever wins, this country is going down the drain. I'm here to tell you to stop that thinking.
Whatever happens....
This is still America.
No one person is ever going to change that. The Constitution is still alive and well. The American flag still waves with more pride than ever. And the Statue of Liberty is still the symbol of the Free World.
Those same patriotic feelings that are evoked when the national anthem is played, when we see fireworks on July 4th, when we visit historic monuments in Philadelphia or New York City or DC or maybe even in your hometown, heck, even when we go to a baseball game, will not die based on who wins this election.
If anything, we must band together to fight for justice, push for better jobs and education, help the less fortunate and be community leaders to "overcome" this election that has misrepresented Americans and what we stand for.
We are not a hateful or unwelcoming people. We are a loving, grateful, and inviting people. Do not get discouraged. We must let those qualities shine through in the aftermath of this election.
Let's be honest: whoever wins, most people's jobs will still be there. Public education will still exist. Homes will still stand. Do not get me wrong; there are clear and defined differences between the candidates. But the country will not be "doomed" or "go down the drain". This is America, and we always will be. Stay strong, speak your mind, vote your conscious and never forget who you are and where you came from.