Dear Pluto,
You were pushed to the side. Scientists made a mockery of you. You were once our ninth planet, the P to our pizza, but suddenly you became nothing. Your title was stolen and replaced. Within a matter of moments it seemed, you were classified as a dwarf planet--a plutoid. No more could we chant the ever familiar "My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas." No, the scientists had stolen our pizza, tossed it to the side like rubbish. How can kids even memorize the planet order now?
Apparently, you aren't big enough. Pluto is much too small...Pluto is just a moon...Pluto can't clear objects out of its path...Pluto is a dwarf planet. It seemed everyone had an excuse to say you weren't a planet. Apparently, we have some pretty strict criteria to becoming a planet. Similar to a girl making a checklist for the perfect guy, there's apparently a checklist for planets, too. I guess we just have a lot of free time and a sense of superiority if we're going to go around and declare that you're not a planet. If I was a scientist, I would give you that title back. I'm pretty sure you deserve it for dealing with us humans for like a million years or whatever.
After all these years, I thought that, perhaps, my wounds had healed. Shameful as it is to admit, I often find myself going days without thinking of you. I suppose I grew used to the cruel injustice of my childhood. Perhaps I, foolishly, thought I had recovered from my loss. Then I saw Twitter. You were trending, and I couldn't possibly understand why. As I continued to read tweet after tweet, however, I realized what had happened.
SCIENCE: sry we just don't have room for another planet
PLUTO: k :(
PLANET NINE: hey guys!
SCIENCE: what's up, saved your seat
— Lauren DeStefano (@LaurenDeStefano) January 20, 2016
Scientists had discovered another planet--the new ninth planet. They replaced you, just like that. Needless to say, I was hurt and shocked. What made this new Planet X so special that it got to take your spot? Apparently, it's bigger than you, about the size of Neptune. When are scientists going to realize that it's not size that matters but the heart? Fortunately, there's only evidence that this "Planet X" is actually a planet.
I'm fervently hoping that scientists will realize this planet is a fluke and give you back your title, Pluto. You deserve better. Scientists such as Mike Brown believe "killing [you] was fun" but I'll never think that. No matter what they say you will always be my ninth planet. I learned the planet chant and did projects about you at school. I even watched you on Magic School Bus. That pretty much means you're a certified part of my childhood.
A 90's kid who still believes in you.