1. If the board says "Please Wait to be Seated" DO NOT sit yourself. Wait patiently and someone will seat you. Waitresses take turns and have sections so usually that sign is there for a reason. Please do not be the reason of chaos, let us be in control.
2. DO NOT ask for another ranch. I understand you want a ranch but I have gone back and forth twice already. Slow your roll, ranch is terrible for you anyways.
3. If your kid makes a mess, clean it up. I do not mind picking up after people, but if you leave your childs mess there for me to clean I expect a good tip. Im not a maid, Im a server.
4. When I ask you if you are ready to order do not say youre ready when you arent. Girlfriend I know you are hungry and can not make up your mind but I have got other tables and time is money. If I ask you if youre ready do not tell me you are ready when you really arent. This is every servers pet peeve.
5. Do not take your bad day out on me. How dare you be rude to me while Im giving you my best service. If you have had a bad day then give me a chance to make it better. Live in that moment and treat me with respect. Im sorry about your awful day but I can not fix your problems and I do not want to be the target of your distress.
6. NO I AM NOT ON THE MENU! This has to be the worst line ever. I want to hit every guy with the menu when they say this to me. I am not a piece of meat (no pun intended).
7. Speaking of pickup lines... Do not leave me your number. Do not leave me your number with a ten percent tip. Yeah all right I'll call you later.
8. Suck it up and laugh at my jokes. Do not make me uncomfortable, laugh with me or at me. I really dont care as long as everyones happy and my ego isnt crushed.
9. If you see that I'm busy then chill out. Being busy makes the time go by faster. I like being busy and I like making money but I do not like impatient customers.
10. I do love people, I swear. I love being a waitress and I love meeting new people. I love hearing my customers stories. I love when I make customers regulars. I love it when my customers treat me like Im a human being. Look we all make mistakes and we arent perfect, so treat your waitress with respect.
Being a waitress isnt easy. People are not easy. I try my best to put myself into my customers shoes and I love it when they show the same respect towards me. I have made many friends through this job, friends that are almost like family. Next time you go out to eat just remember the person serving you is making $5 an hour. Be kind.