In this day and age, laptops have truly become an art, displaying your personality to the world via the use of stickers. While sitting at your local Starbucks, enjoying your nonfat cappuccino and scrolling through Pinterest, here is an honest description of what everyone is most likely thinking about you:
None: The Minimalist
These people are rare, and they are not to be messed with. They bought their laptop for one reason, and for one reason only: to get shit done. They're who we all aspire to one day be in life, extremely dedicated and hard working. They take their coffee black and the baristas know them on a first name basis. Their apartment probably resembles a Crate & Barrel catalogue and is obsessed with the idea of having a perfect "feng shui" lifestyle.
Preppy Logos: The Srat Star
If someone's laptop is plastered in your typical preppy brand logos such as: Southern Proper, Patagonia, Southern Tide, and of course, Vineyard Vines, there's probably a very good chance that they were raised in the suburbs and are extremely right winged. They might not even own any clothing from said brand(s), but they'll still represent the company like it's their favorite place to shop. I wouldn't doubt that these stickers are also paired with a sorority or fraternity sticker and/or a Reagan & Bush '84 decal. They more than likely attend a school that has a "college town" vibe to it somewhere relatively south.
Popular Icons: The Blogger
Ah, the social justice warrior. If you walk into an off-the-grid coffee shop uptown you'll find herds of these type of people. They're extroverted introverts, they hate small talk, but are extremely friendly and can only tolerate human interaction for a certain period of time. They would much rather be at home running their blog or creating new playlists by underground artists. They're very good at reading people, and have a very unique sense of style. They we're "hipster" before it was a thing.Power Phrases: The Adventurist
The adventurists are represented by a variety power phrases or icons, such as: "wanderlust," "let's get lost", or "good vibes." I would imagine these phrases are also paired with a yin-yang symbol and a picture of some kind of mountain top. Going with the flow is pretty much their specialty. They're eager to one day explore the world and set themselves free. You could say that their main goal in life is to be genuinely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others.