Our laptops aren't just mediums for writing essays at the last minute and watching YouTube cat videos. They are also a great way for college students to express themselves, what they stand for, and how many clubs they are a part of. Look around the next time you go to Trabant. You can learn someone's religious, political, and social affiliations all by just peeking at their cover.
Perhaps you never realized this before. Perhaps you've been blindly sticking all the stickers you've gotten at various info sessions and booths, not thinking what they can say about you.
For the curious, here is what they say:
1. The Blank Cover
A blank cover means you prefer to lead a simple, minimalist lifestyle. You prefer the writings of Hemingway. The art of Barnett Newman. Your apartment is decorated by a couch and a lamp, minus the shade. You're too cool to invest your time in such tomfoolery as sticking "UD CLASS OF 2018" on the back of your laptop just because your mom got you the sticker. You're too busy decluttering and not giving a sh*t.
2. The Activist Cover
Or maybe you just like writing long rants on Facebook to get a lot of likes, and you're kind of a pretentious jerk.
3. The Sorority Cover
4. The Social Media Cover
This cover means you're #teaminternet. You have a budding YouTube channel in the works. You update your Tumblr blog every day, your status every hour, and your diet consists of Nutella and pizza. Your friends haven't seen you in months. They're worried about you.5. The Too Much Cover
This cover means you need to stop.
6. The Shopping Addict Cover
This cover means you probably have a tiny addiction to online shopping and a big addiction to the stickers that come with your purchases. You are incredibly trendy and preppy. You may or may not like hiking a lot. You have no idea what to do when Vineyard Vines go out of fashion, but your Toms order just came in and you're hella excited.7. The Rhinestone Cover
8. The Animal Lover Cover
9. The School Spirit Cover
You love UD. You live UD. The moment you stepped on campus your senior year of high school was the day you became truly alive. You own blue and yellow tutus, face paint, shower curtains, and pants.
The first thing you do when you awake in the mornings is sing the fight song. The last thing you do at night before going to sleep is cry, because for the next eight hours you won't be able to experience the majesty of your school.
10. The Multiple Clubs Cover
I couldn't find an appropriate picture for this one, but I'm sure you can imagine.
This cover means you're very -and I mean very- involved. You spend the majority of your days attending club meetings, recruiting new members, and finding the time to sleep within your hectic work schedule.