What Your Favorite Color, Food And Animal Say About Your Personality
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What Your Favorite Color, Food And Animal Say About Your Personality

Your favorite food depends on a lot more than taste.

What Your Favorite Color, Food And Animal Say About Your Personality
The Huffington Post

"Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?" - Buddy the Elf.

This seems like a simple question. Maybe even a conversation starter when sparking a new friendship. However, one's answer to this simple question can be more telling than you think. Likewise, many simple questions can be asked that truly reveal specific components to one's personality. Think about your favorite color.

Now think about why this is your favorite color. Maybe it's your favorite color to wear or even the color of a clothing item you've cherished for a long time. Or maybe it brings you a sense of nostalgia, such as the color of the house you grew up in or your first car. This color, one way or another, says a lot about you.

For example, if you tend to favor darker colors, it may be true that you give a great amount of attention to detail in your life but like to keep your business to yourself. Those who favor darker hues also have been said to be more in tune with their emotions and sensitivity. Bernardo Tirado of Psychology Today quotes that, "People who choose black as their favorite color...are careful with the details of their lives and do not share easily with others."

If you are on the other end of the spectrum and prefer brighter colors, it is very telling as well. Those who favor lighter colors, closer to white on the color spectrum, are said to respect a simpler lifestyle. If your favorite color is light or bright, it may be true that instead of paying close attention to detail and every moving part of your life, you enjoy leading a simplistic life and focusing on the big picture of things. You may also consider yourself open-minded, and you may even be considered a dreamer. In The Healing Power of Color by Betty Wood, she says how, "If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to recapture lost youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a desire for simplicity or the simple life."

Think about it like the sky during the day and night. Those who favor the night sky see the world, and the universe, as a mammoth beacon of stars, planets, and indescribable complexity that is unlimited. Those who favor the sky during the day see a much simpler image of the universe: just a blue sky with white clouds and sunshine.

Like your favorite color, your favorite animal tends to say a lot about you as well. This can be described most simply by the direct characteristics of your favorite animal. For example, if your animal has confident and dominant tendencies, such as those of a lion or bear, you like to have complete control of your life and have no trouble with taking on a lot of responsibility, including the protection of others.

Caitlin Jill Anders of The Dodo says that if you favor a fierce animal, such as the wolf, "You value your close friends, but also really like being on your own sometimes. People often look up to you, and thus you are good at handling a lot of responsibility."

On the other hand, if you tend to favor animals with more humble and calm tendencies, it directly reflects your personality as well. Anders also notes that if your favorite animal is kindhearted, such as the dolphin, "You have a playful, easygoing personality, and there isn't anyone that you feel uncomfortable talking to or befriending."

Now think about your favorite food (and immediately start craving it). Is it hot or cold? Is it spicy, sour, sweet? These preferences can say a lot about your background with food and how you grew up. For example, Nile Cappello said in a Huffington Post article that if you favor sweet foods, "You think everything tastes better homemade, and know the best way to wash down lunch is with a glass of sweet tea or lemonade."

She also mentions how if you like food outside of your culture, such as sushi, "You’re well-traveled, like to drink, and know a decent amount about art." This goes hand-and-hand with being open-minded to trying new things and straying away from the typical comfort foods (sorry mac-n-cheese).

Simple things that you consider your favorite things can immediately let someone know the type of person you are. It's interesting to take this into consideration when evaluating some of your favorite things in your life. What does this tell you about yourself? We can always get to know ourselves even better.

Take a minute to think of your favorite color, animal, and food. If you enjoy darker colors, it would make sense to assume that you also favor fiercer animals and more out-of-the-box foods. If you prefer lighter colors, it would not come as a surprise if you had a love for gentler animals and comfort food that you grew up around. However, this may not always be the case.

My favorite color has changed a lot throughout the years, parallel to the evolution of my personality. My favorite color today is black, but my favorite animal is the dog, and my favorite food is traditional spaghetti and meatballs. I like to consider myself well-rounded because of my contradicting interests, and I've always considered myself an eclectic being. Why do you think you favor the things you do?

Just food for thought.

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