If you have ever watched Gilmore Girls then you most definitely have a choice for who was the best boy for Rory. While Rory has met some interesting men along the way, we can focus on the most prominent ones in her life. Each of these boys has special characteristics, and which one you like definitely says more about you than it does about them.
1. Dean
If you liked him in the beginning than you're pretty much predictable. Most people liked Dean in the beginning. If you continued to like him as seasons progressed then you have a hard time letting go. Dean progressively got worse as the seasons went on, and cheating on his wife was the lowest of the low. If you could support Rory and Dean through that then you might be heartless (or you just really wanted to relive the first seasons).
2. Tristan
First of all, I'm sorry. Tristan left abruptly and sadly and was never heard from again. But if you liked Tristan then you most likely like someone who is a bad boy, but not too bad. You probably looked at Tristan as a project and someone who you, I mean Rory, could fix. Tristan tried to an extent, despite trying most of the time when Rory was with Dean. If you liked Tristan then you see the best in people and like rooting for an underdog.
3. Jess
The holy grail of all of Rory's lovers. If you love Jess then you love hopping on a bandwagon. Jess is your stereotypical bad boy. But Jess is also there for the romantic types. Liking Jess means you like adventure, spontaneity, and someone who will keep you guessing. It also means your soul was probably crushed every time he came back but did not end up with Rory.
4. Marty
Marty was thrown in here because everyone needs that typical nerdy best friend. If you hoped Rory would end up with Marty than you really root for the underdog (way more than if you like Tristan). You like someone who is goofy, but will be nice to you. Marty would do just that, and most likely bring you food while he was doing it.
5. Logan
What would you know, another bad boy. Logan is different though. Logan is the moody, rich boy who some people in your life would hate and others would love. If you love Logan than you also love adventure but the ability to get out of trouble. You like someone who will make grand romantic gestures and always wants to upstage whatever he's done last. But you don't like to settle and you don't like to stick to one plan. You were probably very torn when Logan proposed, and you're probably still recovering.
No matter which Gilmore Girls boy you loved, your only goal was for Rory to be happy. Most of the time Rory did that when she was being her own independent self. Though having a nice boy at your side never hurt either.