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What Your Favorite Rom-Com Says About You And Your Dream Guy

These movies are always there for us when we need them.

What Your Favorite Rom-Com Says About You And Your Dream Guy

Bingeing a romantic comedy is always a good idea, and during this pandemic, these movies bring us one of the only elements of romance we can get. Through all the break-ups, obstacles, and struggles in our love lives, romantic comedies have always been there to make us laugh and keep us company while we cry.

While we love these movies for the beyond gorgeous male love interests, the female protagonists are still the ones we always remember. Although rom-coms are far from reality, it is always fun to imagine what our life would be like if a cinematic studio was behind our love life. So what does your favorite romantic comedies say about your dream guy?

1. "10 Things I Hate About You"


In a movie, nothing beats an attractive Heath Ledger singing with a marching band, but in reality, I think this would make me highly embarrassed. If this movie fits the bill for your favorite, you are a dedicated feminist with a tendency to lean toward wild and daring bad boys.

2. "Legally Blonde"


"What, like it's hard?" If you find yourself constantly replaying this movie then you never let anything stand in your way. You dream big and never listen to any of the naysayers. You follow your heart and that heart often leads you to kind-hearted and intelligent men. Sometimes, the guy of your dreams is right in front of your eyes helping you achieve your dreams.

3. "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"


If you love this movie then you are probably the resident "how to" girl of your friends, you work hard in both your professional and personal life taking care of everyone. You are a bit of a game player, but that's only because you refuse to settle for anything less than you know you deserve. You make people, both friends and relationships, work hard and prove they are in it for the long haul. But you and your dream guy probably like to do your own thing but respect those stereotypical relationship tropes and secretly love them.

4. "Clueless"


If you can get over the whole "she fell in love with her step-brother thing," this movie is still pretty good and it isn't just because the clothes are amazing. Although you may not be falling head over heels for your adopted sibling, you probably identify with Cher and her well-meaning but often short-sighted intentions. Your heart is always in the right place and you say what is on your mind. In reality, I think we all need to channel our inner-Cher at times.

5. "Miss Congeniality"


You may not conform to typical norms, but you are kind, a hard worker, and a great friend. Of course, you have a tendency to keep your feelings bottled up, but your close friends can break through that shell. Your dream guy is probably right in front of you, but you just need to let people see who you really are.

6. "50 First Dates"


You may be a bit forgetful, but the guy of your dreams adores you and will always prove it. You value your friends and family and you always see the best in people even if they do not see the best in themselves. It's the little things that matter to you and your partner making you two the perfect pair.

7. "Just Go With It"


Let's face it, you love this movie because of the friendship between Danny and Katherine, not because you think Adam Sandler is a hunk. You often find yourself attracted to someone's sense of humor and love them despite their faults, which let's be real, is the definition of love.

8. "The Notebook"


If this classic romance movie is your favorite, then you are a sucker for romance and believe in soulmates. Although you know this movie will make you cry for hours, you will always follow the two characters through their emotional story. You and your guy may come from different lifestyles but love is love and the two of you will be together through everything.

9. "When Harry Met Sally"


Does anyone do romantic comedies better than Nora Ephron? I don't think so. This movie brought up the question we are all still trying to answer, can men and women be friends without it being awkward? If this movie is your favorite then you're probably missing out on what is right in front of you. In reality, I think we all hope all rocky starts can turn into true love, and we have this movie to blame.

10. "You've Got Mail"


Let's be real if this is your favorite movie you probably fell for the guy of your dreams despite a rocky start. You two may seem like polar opposites and you used to think everything he did was annoying, but somewhere along the line you two fell head over heels for each other, even though everyone saw it before the two of you realized.

11. "Sweet Home Alabama"


"The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back." How could you watch this movie and not cry? Is there anything more romantic than this movie? If this is your favorite then you may consider yourself tough on the outside but you are a real softy on the inside. You value kindness and believe in true love and fairytale endings even if they aren't always rational.

12. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"


If this movie is your favorite it's because you recognize the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and doing your own thing. Your family can make things pretty crazy, but it all comes from a deep place of love. Although it can seem like they are meddling in your love life, they do have your best interests at heart and know when someone isn't good enough for you. If you find yourself watching this movie over and over with your guy, it's probably because you recognize the two of you in the main characters. You may have met accidentally, and despite all the crazy curveballs life threw your way, you always come back stronger.

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