The definition of a romantic comedy is a light-hearted, humorous plotline, centered on romantic ideals such as that true love is able to surmount most obstacles according to "A Story is a Promise & The Spirit of Storytelling."
That very definition happens to leave out that romantic comedies set the bar high on unrealistic expectations of how love stories should unfold— thanks, Hollywood. These movies have become instant go-to's and are shamelessly watched over and over again. Don't lie.
The list can keep on going, but some romantic comedies completely outshine the others. Here's what your favorite romantic comedy says about you:
1. "Love, Actually"
It might be considered a Christmas movie but you're a firm believer that holiday cheer should be spread year round. You love seeing love story after love story unfold. The more heartwarming, the better— just like the airport scene.
2. "Bridget Jone's Diary"
If you're the type to lowkey love "love" but pretend you don't anyway, this one for you. From drinking straight from the bottle at home wallowing in self-pity for days on end, you can probably relate on some real levels. You're a hot mess and fully aware of it.
3. "Pretty Woman"
The classic not so-typical version of Cinderella. You're definitely the kind of gal who goes about her day being a total sasshole but deep down have extremely vulnerable moments. You probably think your latest f*ckboy was one big mistake— big, huge, but will remain hopeful.
4. "When Henry Met Sally"
You're probably crazy and a workaholic trying to figure out life with your guy best friend by your side. You thrive on the unexpected just like these two because honestly, they were relationship goals before relationship goals were a thing. I mean, you know it's real when "you look like a normal person, but you're actually the angel of death."
5. "The Proposal"
You're a tough b*tch, to say the least. You find it strategically clever that a high-powered executive mingles her way into marrying her pretty much-glorified intern to save her visa. Your shell is probably hard to crack so when it's cracked, you struggle to soften up.
6. "The Wedding Singer"
You're into corny, big time.
7. "How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days"
You literally wish you were Andie Anderson between her life, career, and degrees and would love nothing more than to meet the love of your life in the most iconic way, ever. It's only a matter of time until a man sweeps you off your to win a bet.
8. "13 Going on 30"
Love might be a battlefield, so you're basically waiting for the Matty in your life to admit he loves you after 15 years in the upcoming weeks. Well, wishful thinking at least. You're a firm believer that you will never be happy until you love yourself.
9. "Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
You probably love making fun of sappy people but deep down, agree with everything they say and understand why they do what they do— but you'll never admit it because you don't want to seem like a major weirdo.
10. "There's Something About Mary"
If you're into some scatological humor that targets a male audience and love character-driven romances targeting female audiences, it's more than likely that you love this rom-com. You probably have a dirty mouth and thrive on raunchy humor.
11. "The Wedding Planner"
You're probably the type of gal who shamelessly dreams of her wedding— even if there's no boyfriend in the picture. You're the true definition of a hopeless romantic who finds herself in awkward situations like Mary planning her dream man's wedding.
12. "Crazy, Stupid, Love"
Let's face it, you just like looking at Ryan Gosling.
13. "The Holiday"
Unlike popular belief, you think "The Holiday" is way better than "Love, Actually." You love the compromise of the holidays, hot mess romances, and travel.
14. "What Happens In Vegas"
You're probably the type to celebrate being single, or your newly-single friend with bottles to the face— with hopes of it not ending in either of you getting hitched because knowing your luck it's probably gonna be with someone you'd never envision life with.
15. "Sweet Home Alabama"
Grab your boots, grab your beer, and turn up the country music. You love yourself a southern gent and believe in the smallest fairy tales, despite being a country girl yourself or not.
16. "27 Dresses"
Like Jane, you're probably the single one of your girl squad. You go through the motions meanwhile everyone moves along in life with a happy face even though you low-key envy it. But you know, you know your time will come and it's going to be when you least expect it— get excited.
17. "Life As We Know It"
Opposites do attract and you can definitely attest to this. Obviously, the man of your dreams hopefully doesn't enter your life under the circumstances of the movie, but you love their love story and just love unexpected spark.
19. "Sleepless in Seattle"

Ugh, such a classic. Things aren't supposed to be perfect because perfect doesn't exist but somehow you think Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are perfect.
20. "My Best Friend's Wedding"
Let's say it again for the ladies in the back who are in love with their best friend— if it's meant to be, it'll be. These are the best kind of love story because of the epic unfold of things.
21. "Friends with Benefits"
Dating in today's society is horrid. It's difficult, it lacks communication, and defining the relationship is nearly impossible. If you settle for companionship through casual, "no strings attached" sex— for now, this is your movie. Let's be honest, whether we like to admit it or not this concept is hard and we all know that going into it, but we remain hopeful anyway.