Something known as "Super Tuesday" is approaching. The day where many states hold their primary elections. This year it has been nicknamed "SEC Primary" because of the majority of Southern states holding their primaries on March 1st, 2016. In honor of the 2016 Presidential Election season, we are going to delve into some of the popular U.S. presidents and what it says about you, if you're one of their followers.
Andrew Jackson
Jackson's gain of the title "national war hero" gave him a large pool of popularity. He truly did not care what people thought about him and went about as he pleased. The fact that he gained the presidency in 1828 was more of chance than something he was dying to obtain. What he is often known for is doing nothing when Georgia took over millions of acres of land that was intended for the Cherokee Indians. His actions went on to create the Trail of Tears for Indian relocation, ultimately leading to the death of thousands.
In the end, Jackson was a savage. He did what needed to be done, even if it meant stepping on some toes and killing some people. If he's your favorite president you're probably that friend who is never afraid to do or say how you really feel, even if people won't like it. You don't really care if there are rules or guidelines because you make your own.
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln was a simple man who never drank or smoked while in office. He was very reserved and strongly believed in rights for everyone...literally. If Abe is your favorite president you are probably one of those animal rights activists, because he too was a huge animal lover who didn't hunt or fish. He was kind of a hipster in the sense that he fought for women to have the right to vote nearly 100 years before they actually did! And you can't forget about how he went out with a bang, literally! Lincoln was assassinated on a [not-so] good friday in 1865. So here's your personality in a few words: Christian, reserved but opinionated, genuinely kind, original, and simple.
Theodore Roosevelt
The man of all trades. A well-rounded man who stopped at nothing. His mother and first wife, Alice, passed away on Valentine's Day in 1884. While he was in office he was having horse play with a former professional boxer and popped a blood vessel leaving him nearly blind in his left eye. Despite all of the troubling times during his presidency he still continued to create a foreign policy, exterminate monopolies under the Sherman Antitrust Act, and pass environmental acts to conserve the new land being explored.
If you're a part of Teddy's crew then you have an excellent taste in presidents. You are interested in doing as much as you can, the best that you can. You're that person with 10,000 things filling up the lines of your planner and have every second of your day scheduled with things you're involved in. You don't take no for an answer and you stand up for what you believe in.
John F. Kennedy
Being the youngest president to hold office, Kennedy grew up in a privileged and wealthy family. Because he was surrounded by all the resources he could want or need, he made his way into the military, Congress and eventually Senate. As president, he handled the historic tension known as the Cold War. He was the classic All-American, down to earth, highly loved heroic figure whose assassination caused distress around the world. If you are a devotee of Kennedy then you are the classic patriot and probably have an American flag in some form on multiple of your belongings (car, laptop, phone, etc.). Charismatic is an understatement. You are that friend that people like the second they meet and gets along with everyone. You are probably on the exec board of a club or two and you always make the right decision or the one everyone thinks is. Yay for Kennedy, am I right?
Richard Nixon
Ahhhh, lovely Nixon. Best known as the only president to ever resign from office! He relinquished his position in 1974 rather than being impeached in attempt to cover his illegal and unconstitutional involvement in the Watergate scandal. Probably the only beneficial things he did while in office included creating diplomatic ties with China and the Soviet Union as well as withdrawing troops from an unpopular war in Vietnam. You have to be fully committed to Nixon to be a fan because of his tainted reputation.
Honestly, if he's your favorite president, you are probably that skeeze who sneaks your way into, or out of, situations that you shouldn't be in. You're that person on the exec board of a club/organization, but you did something morally questionable to gain the title. You probably have no principles or morals and will do anything to get what you want.