You grew up wearing black high-top Converse. Vans Warped Tour was your favorite weekend of the year. Your plethora of band bracelets constantly covered your arms. People constantly misunderstood you. You love Blink-182. But what does your favorite Blink-182 song say about you?
"What's My Again Again?"
You're probably a self-absorbed piece of crap. You identify as "one of the nice guys" and you constantly wonder why girls always over look you. You may be a nice guy, but that's your only personality trait. You're so obsessed with being a nice guy that girls don't even know who you are. You love this song so much because it's about a nice guy, just like you -- the nice guy.
You probably didn't go away for college, or didn't even go to college. You're mad at the universe because all your friends are learning an being productive and you're stuck at home working a low-end job because the universe isn't aligned with you. The girl you had a crush on all of high school hangs out with you over Thanksgiving break and you actually think you have a chance. She then proceeds to tell you that she only thinks of you as a friend. "Dammit".
"I Miss You."
You're still obsessed with the one that got away. You listen to this song while you cry yourself to sleep. This was probably your MySpace song in 2008. If this is your favorite song, it's probably only for the line "We can live like Jack and Sally if we want." You probably, at one time, identified with the "emo" crowd but you were "not emo! I swear on my life!" You constantly fantasize about singing this to your ex, but know you will probably never have a chance because she's probably dating the jock.
"Adam's Song."
People just don't understand you. You do everything right. You probably listened to this song when you were 16 and "It's just so relatable... Ugh...." You were never diagnosed with depression, but your MySpace bio certainly eluded that you were. You probably think all your friends hate you, when in fact, they definitely do not. Your parents don't understand you, and all you want to do is lock yourself in your room and blog about how lonely you are (even though you probably aren't).
"The Party Song."
Wow, another Blink-182 song about a guy not being able to get a girl? Uncanny. If this if your favorite Blink-182 song, you're probably a cool guy, honestly. You're realistic with your selection in women, and you know that girls can sometimes (most of the time) be awful. That girl with "green-eyes and long brown hair" knows you exist, and may approach you, but you're smarter than that.
"All The Small Things."
You're a poser. If this is your favorite song, it's probably the only song you know. Don't talk to me if this is your favorite song.
"Feeling This."
This is your favorite Blink-182 song because it reminds you of summer in high school when you were care-free. You may not know this, but this song is actually about sex! So if this is your favorite Blink-182 you must really like sex!
"Stay Together For The Kids."
Your parents are probably divorced and this is your favorable song because "it's just so god damn relatable." You constantly wonder why all your friends are in happy families and your family is just a mess. You probably at one point cried yourself to sleep on months on end listening to this song on repeat.
" First Date."
If this is your favorite Blink-182 song, you probably have actually never been on a real date. You listen to this song because you dream about asking the girl who sits next to you in History, but alas, you never will.
"Every Time I Look At You."
This song is one of the more depressing Blink-182 songs. This song is about a guy obsessing over a girl, and every time this happens, his life gets 10x worse (aka: the sun going down). If this is your favorite song it's probably because you're actually a depressing little s***.
"The Rock Show."
Your high school years probably revolved around Warped Tour and MySpace. If this is your favorite Blink-182 song, chances are you actually do play the bass and skateboard, but chances are you also are in your 20s and still live in your parent's basement.