Every day is a learning experience no matter how old you are. At 21 years, I feel like I've barely lived and I have my whole life ahead of me still; which I do. But just because I'm young(er), doesn't mean I haven't learned some things along the way. At every age, you learn valuable lessons. And whether you realize it or not, you take them with you along the way.
1. It's okay to depend on others.
I think the more you get older the more you want to be as independent as possible. Sometimes you just need to let others help you.
2. Communication is key.
Talk as much as you can and make your needs clear.
3. Take a nap.
You are not invisible and it is simply not healthy. Get some sleep.
4. Share.
Share your knowledge, share your wealth, share your opinions.
5. Color outside of the lines.
Test your limits, push your boundaries.
6. Play well with others.
How you treat people matters and people will remember how you treated them.
7. Play outside.
Go for a run or ride a bike. Take it all in.
8. Read.
Read a book, read a magazine, read the newspaper.
9. Eat your vegetables.
Take care of your body and treat it with respect.
10. But also eat the cookie.
After you eat a good dinner and you have respected your body, eat the damn cookie. Life is too short for it to not be sweet.
11. Ask questions.
There's no such thing as a stupid question.
12. Appreciate your youth.
Don't grow up too fast.
13. Try new things.
You may find a new love or passion.
14. Listen to your parents.
You will always be their child.
15. Value friendships.
Value the good ones, value the bad ones. You will learn from all of them.
16. Your broken heart will mend.
(He probably wasn't worth it anyways)
17. Step outside your comfort zone.
You can't grow as a person unless you try.
18. Don't be afraid to say no.
You just simply cannot do everything and that is quite alright.
19. Work for what you want.
Whether you want a six pack or to be a CEO, laziness won't get you there.
20. Know your self-worth.
You are enough and you are wanted and you are loved.