I've been 19 for about two months now.
And these are some things that I wish I would have learned before now.
1. High school is a freaking breeze compared to college so enjoy it while it last.
Seriously, no joke.
2. After you graduate from high school, you actually get scared.
And sad. B
3. The summer before you go off to college is the best time of your life so enjoy every second of it.
One more time for the people in the back.
4. Freshman year of college.
Everyone says it's the best year of your life but, mine wasn't. So don't be disappointed if Freshman year doesn't go as planned.
5. It is totally okay if you have no idea what you want to do with your life.
You have tons of time to figure it out so don't stress it.6. You probably won't marry the boy you fell in love with in high school.
7. Boys will break your heart.
But one day you'll find the one who doesn't.
8. Eat the whole pizza.
Or eat the brownie even if it is unhealthy it won't kill you and you won't get fat by doing it every once in awhile. Trust me you'll enjoy every bite.
9. You have to work your ass off to make something of yourself.
And even then, someone might call you a privileged millennial. Welcome to 2017.
10. Shit happens.
But, that's life keep pushing forward everything will work out in the end.
11. Even at 19 you will still want to call your mom when you are sick or upset.
Because you know she can make anything better.
12. Go out and have fun, it's not a bad thing.
Just make sure you have your priorities straight.
13. It's okay if you stayed out too late on a school night or work night.
I promise it won't make or break you. I've made some of the best memories
14. It is OK to have a lazy day and stay in bed all day sometimes they are much needed.
15. Remember to call your family.
They won't be here forever.
16. Guys can be assholes.
But not all of them... so don't prejudge.
17. It is okay to cry.
You can't hold it together all the time.
18. It is okay to not be okay.
Life can kind of suck at times but, it always gets better.
19. Ride around with your friends jamming out to music and just forget everything else.
20. And the last thing: everything happens for a reason.
So these are a few things I wish I would have known before I was 19. I really wish I would have known them when I was like 16. But life is all about learning and everyday you will learn something new.