Do you have anyone in your family that smokes a lot or just a little? Maybe put in consideration to them that they should stop or know what it does to them. A lot of people don't know that smoking can really harm them and don't know what they are consuming
Here are some of the things they are inhaling in: Acetone which is found in nail polish remover, Acetic Acid which is in hair dye, Lead which is found in batteries, Benzene which is found in rubber cement, and the big one Nicotine which is in insecticide. Those are just some of the things you or other people would be consuming. The nicotine is what gets people addicted, not just the other ingredients. Would you want to do that to your body? I sure don't.
Besides the person that's actually smoking the cigarette, a lot of people forget about secondhand smoking and THIRDHAND smoking, thirdhand smoking is when the smoke is trapped in your hair, clothing, etc, and you don't even have to be the person that's smoking, you would just be around them, it could also do damage.
A new research was done to mice that when they were around smoke, some scientists recently found Type 2 Diabetes in their system from 'thirdhand smoke' and damaged their lungs and the liver. Thirdhand Smoke has tobacco toxins which keeps itself on the surfaces. When the mice are exposed to it, they get released to hyperglycemia which is glucose in the blood and insulinemia which is insulin in the blood WHICH YOU NEED. They found cellular oxidative stress increases you to be exposed.
There is a lot of people diagnosed with diabetes, but cause it even more by smoking or being around smoke. I used to be around smoke and second-hand smoking, I tried to remove myself from that and tried to get that person to stop, which they did thankfully. I used to wonder what is happening to my body and how I'm consuming it.
I'm not trying to make you stop or convince you on anything, I think people should be aware and know, they may not care and think it won't affect them in the future, it could or it could not, hopefully not. I think, in my opinion, advertisements to stop smoking should be more out there with the other ads to stop other diseases or illnesses, I don't think it's really cared for on tv or signs. But the good sign is and at least, there are tv commercials showing what it does to you, for example, TheTruth commercial shows few commercials with a guy going into a convenience store and he doesn't have enough money so he rips a tooth out to get a pack of cigarettes and another commercial shows a girl ripping piece of her flesh off to exchange for a pack, that shows you what cigarettes can do to you in the future.
Overall in my opinion at most, I'm not writing this article to criticize you or anything like I said, I just want to give people awareness like any other person for another illness/disease/habit. I'm not telling you how to live your life, it's your choice. I am just another person giving information like a person would do to breast cancer or something else. I don't think people trying to say stop smoking gets enough credit. But I do think there are more people now trying to stop or has already stopped, which is good!