When it comes down to being broke in college or having a part time job, we will choose anything but being broke. Most of these jobs though, take advantage of their student workers and have the highest level of standards. With that being said, these are the things you start to notice when you're working way too much for your college job.
1. According to your employer - Your job is more important than anything else, even school.
2. You think you can work more than five days a week like you don't need sleep or anything.
3. Employer tries stay open later then they're supposed to, then tells you that work is your plans and only plans.
4. You're given one day off within the week and they still try to call you in.
5. You don't get to have weekend days off, even though that's the only days you can actually sleep in.
6. When you realize you applied for a part-time job, but in reality, you're actually working full time.
7. Your days literally start to repeat themselves, only consisting of work, school, and sleep.
8. Your grades start slipping.
9. Your friends or even significant other, rarely ever see you.
10. You have no life, work is your life.
You're job has literally consumed you, even though this is not the job you are gonna have the rest of your life. You're in school to further your education, not work every free moment you have. Everyone knows that its hard to stick up to your employer, but YOU are in control of your life. Do not let them take advantage of you and be the reasons you don't succeed or graduate.
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