What do you do when you have no place to go? Not physically, but mentally — your friend won't understand, your mom can't help or maybe it's just not something you don't want everyone to know. Your mind is where things race through your mind one hundred times and you'll still be confused on the meaning of it all. You make yourself upset thinking about an event that happened five years ago that you can't get over. You make yourself happy thinking about memories of the best relationship you ever had but then get mad at the mistakes that were made in the relationship. What do you about it? You pray!
What do you do in school when nothing is going like you planned? You got this scholarship and the only way to keep it is by keeping these basic academic standards but you can't because nothing is going how you planned. You don't want to go to a tutor because who has the time? You definitely don't want to ask the teacher because you don't like them either and you don't want to seem lost. You want to make it seem like you have everything together but you don't and it's hard to admit it. College is no joke. And at the times you want to give up... pray! Pray that you can make it through and then try harder.
What do you do when you want more out of life but you don't know where to start? You want to own a business, have a well furnished home that you own, get married and have this huge wedding, have a family and so on. But I mean who has that type of money? Everything is expensive and what you want is out of your reach because of your situation. Pray about it. Don't pray for money, pray for better opportunities. If you get them, use them wisely. And don't forget to continue to pray and thank the Lord for giving you these blessings.
What do you do when you miss someone? Whether it's because of death, distance, or disconnection. You miss their company, their voice, their advice, or maybe you miss being theirs and only theirs. This is when you overthink and emotions are a wreck because you don't know what to do. What do you even do when you and a partner broke up maturely but you're still friends? It's like everything is perfect again but if given the chance would you even take them back... I say pray some more.
This is just a quick article to tell you that no matter the situation when you don't know what to do, good or bad just pray about it. Pray for better situations but act on it don't just wait for Him to do it for you. When I feel alone I know that I'm not because the Lord is always with me even when I feel that He isn't, He's there. So when you're asking "what do I do?" Just talk. Prayer is always an option!