“Help!” my body cried, past the clouds, and the stars, to the place where miracles reside. Little did I know at that time, that the way for that miracle to manifest was to follow my heart until it lead me to face the deeper parts of myself that I was hiding from. It wasn’t until years after that cry for help that I came to realize that the deeper you go, the darker it gets, but that’s where the best treasures lie.
You see, the relationship that you have with any addiction or behavior that doesn't serve you, has nothing to do with what you do, how you look, or the conditions in your life, but rather how you feel and what you believe. Many books that try to help us become happier, healthy, or loose weight, don’t have lasting results because they are merely telling us to change what we are doing, not helping us discover and transform the feelings and beliefs that are causing us to act in ways that do not serve us. Then, there are some self help books that tell us how we should only focus on the positive to create positive change, which can certainly happen, but neither of those methods will work in the long run because for lasting results, we have to dig deep.
It’s like trying to build a house on a foundation that isn’t solid. Rather than deconstructing and examining the foundation to fix the real issue, they knock down the house to try to make it better, only to find in time, they are in the same situation again. Now, I'm not going to tell you exactly what you have to do to heal because only you know what will work best for you, but I will tell you what one has to have.
Awareness, acceptance, and allowance, are keys to transcending limiting beliefs and patterns in our lives. Without the awareness and willingness to examine and fully accept the parts of us that no longer serve us, we will have difficulty allowing what it is that we want to enter into our experience. Just like how we created these patterns that no longer serve us, we can focus on creating new habits that are beneficial once we acknowledge and accept where we are.
Allowing, as easy as it sounds, is often the more difficult part. Just because we declare that we are ready, doesn't mean we are. We often want to control our lives and letting go of that is hard for most. Believing in a power greater than ourselves to give us what we want does ease the discomfort. I'm not telling you to go to church, or believe in God, but there is something out there that causes the world to spin in perfect proximity to other planets, and flowers to bloom with perfection. When we stop trying and allow, we are taken care of in that same way.
To heal your life you have to heal yourself. Things fall into place when you do. That happens when you face, acknowledge, and fully accept what is that doesn't serve you, and allow what it is that you want.