It is almost the time of year for the Leos out there. For all you Leos out there let your ferocious lion break free. Some famous Leos whose names you may recognize are Shawn Mendes, Barack Obama, Kylie Jenner, Demi Lovato, Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and Daniel Radcliffe. Leos are the leaders of all the Zodiacs. We are optimistic and approach all situations with our head held high ready to tackle anything that may be thrown our way. People always look to us to be the decision maker in the group. We bring people together and never like to see someone left out.
If someone is a Leo almost everyone can tell. Our birthdays are July 23- August 22. People are attracted to our spice for life and our welcoming spirit. We have the ability to lift up almost anyone’s mood and be there for friends and family when times are rough. Our devotion attracts people. We are social butterflies. We don’t necessarily want to be this way but people naturally surround anyone who is a Leo. We are very hard to dislike because we are typically one of the most real people you know. We don’t ever regret our past actions and we tend to question people that do dwell on the past. We are definitely self-centered but never too much to help a person in need. We are the ultimate friend as we spoil them and treat them well. We do not hold many grudges and are very forgiving, yet we know how to not be taken advantage of. We have understanding and respect for all varieties of people.
Leos love trying new and extraordinary things. We despise anything that is simple. Regular routines are also not our favorite. Leos consistently need zest in their life. We have an extraordinary strength to rebound from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events in our lives. We always like to be happy and if we aren’t we will make things right. We will never sacrifice our opinion. We will understand and accept opinions of others, but we will not deal with people who try push their opinions on us. We are very protective of those we love so interfere with that and you are in trouble.
Leos are sensitive but won’t let you know that. Our egos demand respect and admiration. Leos are all about pride. This can make us be self-centered but our heart keeps it in check. The lion greatly represents Leos very well. We are high esteemed and very devoted to ourselves. The kingdom could be anything from work to home to a significant other but no matter what it is we rule it. Leos are always center stage and love the spotlight. We always makes our presence known. Leos are full of energy. Leos will never settle for second best. We want only the best. Leos are very kind, openhearted, and generous people. If a Leo is crossed they will strike back with force. Leos are always trying to make the world a better place, we have larger than life emotions and we need to feel like we have accomplished something at the end of every day. We don’t sit back and think about situations but rapidly react. Some may think we are impulsive but the future consequences are always thought about before major actions. To all you Leos out there like myself everyone else watch out and hear us roar!