This May, I started my first internship (right after my first year at university). I knew I was ready for some real world experience, and after looking into companies I finally found one that I really loved. I picked this company because I like their products, values, and everything they stand for. I did not pick this: for a boy, to be closer to friends or to party. I did this for me, and here is everything I’ve learned.
1. Pick the internship for you.
Pick it because you like the company/opportunities. Do not pick the company because you get to go somewhere cool, or because the boy you’re seeing is there. Pick a company that agrees with your values, that has products/services you like, and because you know you can learn a lot from the people there. Being passionate about what you are doing every day really helps when you work long hours.
2. Explore when you can.
I had the opportunity to travel to: Toronto, upstate New York, and Detroit. Let me tell you Toronto is my new favorite city, Buffalo is beautiful, and Detroit is amazing. Also, all three are major foodie cities (shout out to all of my friends in Buffalo, you’re right Duff’s is the best wings place).
3. When you travel, you find yourself.
Every time I traveled, I discovered more about myself. I found out that driving by myself for 8 hours at a time is fun because I get to jam in the car and not be judged. Flying is a lot of fun. I can drink black coffee for a 5 a.m. flight but not at 2 p.m.
4. Eat those carbs, drink that wine.
A bunch of my coworkers and I had a girls night and they gave me the best advice for a broken heart: drink some wine, eat some pasta, and do not cry about boys. #carbs
5. Learn a lot about both the industry AND life.
I learned so much about the industry I want to work in one day, but I also learned so much more about life. 1: Wear a blazer, and people that do not know you will generally think you very important or older and give you more respect. 2: heels scare people in the best way possible. 3: A necklace or earrings are always a good idea.
6. Fall in love with your flaws.
I use to hate things about myself: being bossy, too much of a leader, my hips. My willingness and ambition helps me to be a leader, and that does not make me bossy. #bossbabe
7. You call your parents more.
I probably call my dad twice a week (sometimes more!) when I need him. Sometimes I call because it was a long day, or I need to tell my dad about this super awesome experience I had. Either way, you go from calling once a week in college to way more.
8. You will tell your mom everything.
The boy who stood you up, to the coworker driving you up the wall.
9. Going home is a mini-vacation.
Now when I go home, I have to make plans, take a weekend off and alert everyone that I’m coming home. It’s a lot more work than you would think, but my parents also treat it as a big occasion, so lots of good food and family time.
10. You forget about that old significant other.
One of the reasons I took my internship was to find myself again after a drawn out breakup. Little did I know it would not take very long to find who I am. In a matter of weeks after throwing myself into my work I felt better, not a lot can fix heart break, but I can guarantee that sometimes just focusing on yourself helps you forget the past.
11. You need three kinds of shoes: to work in, walk in, and party in.
Many times on internship you will use all three, so choose wisely. A.k.a you need flats, Nike's, and wedges.
But most of all, you learn to love yourself and at the end of the day that's the most important thing.