High school graduation can mean a lot of things. The last school dances, the last state conferences or conventions, the last time you'll see your friends every day for 8 hours a day. But I'll tell you what..none of that will matter in a couple of years. Yes it's sad and yes you will miss all those things and you will cherish those memories forever but the great thing about being out of high school is you become the person you were always meant to be.
In high school, I was focused on sports, friends, and boys. I was obsessed with basketball, revolved my life around about 5 friends, and constantly talked about wanting a boyfriend. In college, I'm focused on my faith, my family, and my education. Now I know what you're thinking.. "Well of course that's what she's focused on, she grew up," but that's not the only thing I did. I figured out what I've always wanted and who I've always been. So what I learned from high school is this...
That sport that you revolved your life around is very important in your future. Why? Because one day someone is going to give you a job and the two things the employer will be looking for is attitude and leadership and what better way to learn those two things than from sports.
The thing about friends is that as you grow up you have less and less best friends that you do everything with and more and more friends that you hang out with in certain situations. For instance, in high school I had five best friends. We never went anywhere without each other and if we did people would talk and ask us if we were fighting. But college and adulthood aren't like that. You are busy with your own lives and have your own stuff going on. Yes it's important to still see each other every couple months but it is inevitable, you will not always be as close as you were. So in college you meet other friends. You can have work friends, class friends, roommates as friends, friends you meet from other friends...and guess what none of them expect to be the center of your life and trust me friendships without expectations are the best kind of friendships.
Now we've come to the boyfriend part of high school. I'll admit I wanted one because everyone else had one not because I did and trust me no matter how much you like the guy if you're not ready for a relationship it will never work out. So love yourself and stop trying to compare yourself to others. The right guy will come along. Love is patient.
So college me has some advice for those high schoolers that are similar to me. In college, you will need prayer more than you will ever know to make it through some weeks. College is an adjustment. Take the time and let God help you. Family is so much more important than they ever were in high school, I mean what I say when I say go visit your mom and dad. They are your number one fans and want to know how you're doing. Also, spend time with your siblings. You're not the only one who's life is changing. Last but not least, focus on your education. You are coming to college to learn and that should be taken seriously. Not everyone has the opportunity to go college so consider yourself one of the lucky ones and make your investment worthwhile.
Finally remember this quote: I've found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am. -Epiphany