Every college has a club fair of some sort when you can see what your university has to offer you in terms of extracurricular activities. You can see everything from Energy Management Clubs to Swing Dancing. You will inevitably walk by a table with cool t-shirts or maybe a flashy presentation meant to capture your attention. I used to always sign up for these clubs, knowing I didn't have enough time for them. But I always did. And it was never just one club… It was somewhere closer to 8 clubs.
I am a commitment person. I make commitments ALL THE TIME to people, organizations, and even myself. It’s how I hold myself accountable. I don't want to break my promises, so I always go through with them. When making all these promises, the one thing I never thought about was how many things I really should commit myself to. This first year of college, especially, is the best time to decide what you really have time for.
Consider what is most important to you while you are in college. Not to sound like Dora but, did you think of your education? I really hope so… Now think about it, where do you want to spend your time? In a sorority/fraternity, student government, choir, volunteering, internships, going out on the weekends, an 18 hour class load? If you want to do all these thing (and more) you need to manage your time. With the 20+ hours you study every week, the whole going to the gym thing (I’m not really sure about that one because I haven’t tried it yet), plus, taking care of yourself, maybe taking an occasional nap, or finishing season 4 of How I Met Your Mother, extracurricular activities are difficult to fit in.
This is not meant to overwhelm you or worry you. This is meant to be from that friend who when she asks “are you ok?” you answer truthfully. Really consider what you have time for. What is going to be a priority for the next four years? You don't have to decide this right now! First semester should be a bit of a trial run. It’s ok to make some mistakes and commit to too many things, but keep it in the back of your mind as you go to your third meeting of the week. Think about what is going to help you further your career, health, and happiness. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed and you will. Along with every other inspirational quote! While all of these may seem cliche, they are used for a reason. Find what makes you happy and run with it!