Our relationships in life are important. So what do you give to them? To yourself? To God? To your loved ones?
What are you giving to your world?
Throughout many of my articles, I have discussed the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar, the Law of Attraction basically is the belief of practicing positive thinking, living, ideas, and circumstances, with the expectation that they will manifest positive experiences in your life.
While growing in my faith, the Law of Attraction comes up more frequently in my day to day life. The times where I feel I am not my best are typically when I seem to be more aggressive, sad, and defensive.
In those moments, others respond with the same energy I am giving to the situation without really knowing they are affecting me.
Giving kindness to others is often done in a way different from the way I like to receive kindness. What I'm also learning is that people speak differently, they move differently. What I need is not what someone else needs.
Hence, self-awareness becomes a huge part of the Law of Attraction or me as sometimes in the past, I had not realized my reactive emotions were attracting undesirable circumstances to me.
It is a continuing process but I am becoming more aware of what I am giving to the world around me and what it's giving back.
I actively seek to provide an enriching, positive, loving, and passionate circle around me because to give to others challenges me to change your habits.
For example, not everyone will think you want support if you don't show support to others.
It's really simple because when you think about certain things you don't like to do, are they present in your life?
Probably not.
I don't like for people to disrespect me or people I care about. Therefore I extend respect to others always.
What you give says a lot about what you embody as an individual. It is in those simple acts of kindness that you start to impact your world and notice the things that changing and the circumstances you begin to attract.
"Be a mirror of everything you seek to give because what you give out will return" - Charleá Fields.
What you give is important. Think about it.