When you say the “R” word you take away someone's opportunity to live up to their full potential. The “R” word has the ability to make people think they are worthless. No matter the context that you use the word in it still has the ability to make someone else feel bad.
I used to use the “R” word when I was younger, without realizing the impact it had on others. Now when I hear the word I cringe, I think going into education has helped me see that the word is hurtful, and since I have started watching a boy with Down syndrome that has impacted me even more.
No one is the “R” word. If people have a harder time understanding something or maybe take a little bit longer to do something, doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing it. We need to give people a chance to do and be their best and using that word doesn't help others.
Our society needs to get rid of this word all together, it is not a positive word. It is time we become more accepting of people who are different than us. Instead of putting someone down who is different than you go up and talk to them, learn something about them, I know you won't regret it.
When you hear someone say the "R'" word explain to them how it effects other people, educate people on accepting people with differences. It only takes one person to start a chain reaction and change the way people see things.
I encourage you to take the pledge to not use the "R" word. Help someone who is different than you, get to know them. You can make someone's day better and it might even make your day better too!