10 Things You Do When No One Else Is Home | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Do When No One Else Is Home

The things you end up doing when you're finally home, but your friends are not.

10 Things You Do When No One Else Is Home

1. You sleep...a lot

Finals just ended and now you are home. What is the most logical thing to do at this point? Sleep. Sleep until you think you can’t sleep anymore and then prove yourself wrong.

2. You binge watch that Netflix show you started before finals.

That show that pre-finals you couldn’t stop watching? Well now you have the time, so what else are you going to do except watch it... for the whole day.

3. You aimlessly wander around.

You walk up the stairs, sit down and look at your phone. You walk down the stairs, sit down look at your phone. You walk to the kitchen and remember you aren’t hungry. You walk to the nearest chair and sit down. Maybe you even miss the chair and end up sitting on the floor, but that’s OK too.

4. You end up applying for jobs.

Why not spend this time in search for monetary gain over the summer? You might even have better chances because of others not being home yet. You go online and start searching for anything and everything. However, all that filling out spaces makes you tired, so you sleep for a bit.

5. You text your friends.

You message your friends. You ask them excessively when they will return. They remind you they have barely started finals week and that they need to be studying. In an attempt to gain human contact through this, you tell them to teach you what they are studying.

6. You sleep some more.

All that learning made you tired. You drift back into sleep and make your parents wonder if you are actually hibernating.

7. You start to play the in-app purchase games.

You have the time on your hands to wait those two hours to get more energy to use in those apps, so why not? Now you are playing whichever game was recommended to you or you saw in a commercial on TV. Whichever comes first.

8. You do laundry you had put off.

Well, now you have two hours to waste before you get energy in your game. What is a person to do? How about that massive amount of laundry that should have been cleaned before you left school?

9. You text your friends again.

The virtual humans in your game are no longer enough. You text your friends again. Maybe this time they will be done finals. Right?

10. You give up and go into hibernation.

The boredom has overpowered you. Nothing is happening, so why should you be conscious? You decide to fulfill your parents' suspicions and hibernate until you are awoken by your friends' glorious return.

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