I know how hard it has been for me to keep busy in quarantine. Finding new ways to stay active and busy has been key to keeping myself sane mentally during this super difficult time. It also can be super hard to stay on task with our minds drifting from one thing to the next. As well as can be difficult to find quiet time to focus on doing things. Hopefully, one of these tasks can spark some creativity in you and make you think of something new to do while we wander into the unknown.
Find a new hobby
Finding a new hobby can be a fun way to keep busy in quarantine. Learning how to knit or paint and give you a new sense of purpose while we are still stuck indoors. This will make the days go so much faster as well as let you create things you can enjoy and use in the many days to come. A hobby can be a fun way to learn new things you are good at. So get creative and lose yourself in a new hobby.
Keeping the body active can help you feel overall better. It can be easy during this time to be lazy and just sit around and eat, but it is good for your body to be active. Even simple tasks like going for walks can help keep you in shape. Working out is also a good stress reliever.
Read a book
I am not someone who typically wants to sit down and read books because I feel like I never have time for it. Now, there is so much time. So, find a really good book and spend time enjoying yourself reading it. Books allow us to transport to faraway places which can help keep us sane right now.
Catch up on shows
During the year it is easy to fall behind on TV shows that you like to watch. Right now is the perfect time to truly relax and enjoy catching up on old shows. Let yourself relax. Especially, if you have nowhere to be and no projects to catch up on. Watching shows helps us relax and feel like we get to be apart of a different world.
Start a new series
It is also the perfect time to start new shows. Between Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and so many other streaming services finding shows and movies to watch during this time is so easy. It is nice for the first time that we do not have to be somewhere specific everyday so now is a perfect time to start a new series.
Spend time outside
While it is still important to listen to CDC rules it is still okay to spend time outdoors. Especially now as we head into the spring season the weather is beginning to become beautiful. So spending some time outdoors, going for walks, laying outside all of these things can really help mentally. The sun and its vitamin D are good for us and can help relieve some inside anxieties.
Learn to cook new recipes
Everyone has the same favorite meals to cook. Now is the perfect time to perfect those recipes or even learn some new ones. Baking and cooking is a great way to relieve some stress while also being able to enjoy the final product. With all this extra time long recipes do not seem that bad.
Catch up on homework/work in general
Falling behind on schoolwork or even work in general is stressful. It can be really hard to focus on now. It is important to give yourself breaks and rewards as you finish a task for school or for work. But also right now is the perfect time to catch up on whatever you have fallen behind on because we have so much time to do so.
Start a project you have been putting off
Projects you have been wanting to do but have not had the time to start, find or do in general can begin to stack up during the year. It is easy to pass up finishing something, but now since we are stuck indoors. it is the perfect time to finish or start a project. Simple projects that require little time can be done in a day. Even longer projects with all this time inside can be finished faster than you expected. Especially now since almost everyone in a family is home, starting projects as a family or even as friends can help keep everyone busy and make the project go faster.
Spend time with family
This time is extremely scary and confusing. Not everyone is so lucky to be surrounded by their family. If you are someone who is lucky enough to be with family then enjoy that time. During the year, everyone is guilty of not being grateful for the people who are with you. Now is the time to be thankful for the healthy family you have surrounding you. Enjoy the time you have with family because tomorrow is not always promised. All these tasks above are great ways to stay busy with your family or even your friends.