Here I am, 18 years old and I'd like to think that I'm doing better than ever. When I was younger, (about 13 or 14) all I wanted was for someone to understand me. It seemed like my world was never going to get better, and I was on the wrong path. All I wanted was someone to tell me my worth, and help me through the hell I was going through. The people that did try to help me, just didn't quite understand me and my situation. I never told anyone the full story, so it was impossible for me to get the help I needed. If I was capable to give the younger me advice, I would write a book. But mainly, I would tell her to calm down, and breath. Tell people your secret, get it off your chest, and LIVE. I asked my friends on Facebook if they had the chance to give their younger self advice, what would it be? This is what they said.
"Never hesitate to ask questions, dream big, stand up for yourself and others when you have the chance. Be nice to everyone you meet because you never know what battles they may be fighting."-Carly Chappell, 19
"Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't waste your time trying to make everyone happy because in a world filled with hate, it's near impossible. Surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally. The more positivity you have around you the happier you'll be. Don't be afraid to try new things. Always love your mom. You only have one so stop being an asshole to her. When you're younger love just seems like an every day thing, but know that one day you'll find someone that will take your breath away and make you see the world in ways you've never seen before. Care about other peoples' feelings, open your eyes and don't hate. Always be helpful and compassionate. You never know if helping someone will change someone's life one day. Always smile and say hi to people, you don't know what they're going through and they may need that smile to show them that the world isn't always ugly."-Bernie Bickers, 32
"Let your voice be heard. I've always let people pull me in their direction with out even voicing my own opinions. Everyone is different and has a different voice. Let yours be heard."-Cheyenne Gray, 18
"Travel. Anywhere, before you settle down and have kids. Truly love yourself and don't settle. You don't have to have everything figured out today. Have a dream and never stop trying to achieve it. Help others. Be nice. Never listen to anyone that tells you that you can't do something. A broken heart isn't the end of the world even though it hurts like Hell. Trust God always. People who want to be in your life will make time for you, don't chase after them. Chose your words wisely, if you don't want something repeated, don't ever say it to anyone else. Keep an open mind going into all situations. You will get hurt, knocked down, and pushed around. Get up, knock the dirt off, and keep moving forward. You will never get anywhere staying in idle."-Misty Belcher, 34
"It's OK to change your mind, you are always growing as a person. You won't have the same opinions this year as you will the next."-Susie Kinniard, 32
"Appreciate every little thing that life throws at you. Appreciate your parents for always needing over backwards just to make sure you have everything you want and need! Also, don't live so much in the past. Live in the present because time goes faster than you think."-Katelynn Clark, 20
"Speak up! Don't be shy-- and don't give up on your dreams, don't listen to the naysayers. You CAN do it!"-Carol Shweinhart, 78
"Don't let your whole world revolve around a boy, and don't let that boy control your life. Stop trying so hard to keep people in your life, it's okay to be alone. Even when you don't think things will get better, they will. In the end, everything works out for the better. Don't get so caught up on trying to make past relationships/situations work. When God brings people from your past back in your life, remember what they have already put you through, don't fall for their words again-- nothing will change. At the end of the day YOU are number one. Never put anyone else's happiness before your own."-Morgan Gargus, 22
"Be more accepting of yourself and your abilities, but never stop striving to be better. It's possible to be passionate about more than one thing."-Laikyn Pavey, 21
"Hug your parents. Love them fiercely and deeply. Grades, academics, and extracurriculars are important-- but they are not everything. It is better to be the kindest person in the room rather than the smartest."-Danielle Carnes, 22
"Trust God. Love yourself completely, and know who you are. It's true-- if you don't love yourself, nobody can. Start applying anti-wrinkle cream in your 20s. Don't wait until you get them! Study and learn everything you can, and don't stop. Travel, learn about different cultures, and write about each adventure. The older you get, wear a good bra. Pay the extra money and make it good and cute. Don't go to the tanning bed, and if you do-- stop in your 20s. Saggy boobs and leather skin, uh no. Love your mother and ask her how she feels about all aspects of her life-- from when she was young, until the present. Don't let her die and not know the person she was. Anti-depressants do wonders for the brain. Love yourself enough to wait for the right man. Last but not least-- you will fail at all of the above, but it's okay. Eat a tub of ice-cream and cry it out."-Vanessa Fowler, 44 (My brilliant mom)
To the teenager who is too afraid to ask for help, I'm here to let you know that now is your time to mess up and make mistakes-- but make sure you learn from them. It's okay to cry, it's okay to feel down every once in a while. But remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. Live life to its fullest potential and in the end, you will be satisfied. Like my mom said, you will fail at all of the above, and that is okay. Tomorrow is a new day.