If you were still here there are so many things I would tell you, and so many things I would ask you. My time with you was cut short, and I cannot wait to see you again soon, to tell you everything I want to tell you and ask you everything I want to know.
1. I would tell you how much I love you.
Because I never expected you to leave so early, I never got to tell you how much I love you. Even though there are not enough days in the world that define how much I love you, I still never told you enough.
2. I want your advice.
I want your advice on everything. What I should study in college, who I should vote for, who I should marry. Not only do I need your advice, I need your opinion. I want to know what you think about everything. I need to know what you think about the news, me joining a sorority, my choice in boyfriends, my outfit, everything.
3. I want you to know how much I miss you.
I want you to know how hard it was/is to live without you. It will not ever be the same. The laughs will never be the same, the smiles will never be the same. Going swimming without you will never be the same. Finding myself without you has been the hardest.
4. I want you to know how much of an impact you made.
I grew up always looking up to you. Always being your little girl. You were always my best friend. I watched you make huge impacts in other people's lives. I watched you love everyone fearlessly. I watched you defend and live out your faith. I watched you always do what was right. I grew up wanting to be like you. I wanted everyone to love me like they love you, I wanted to make a difference. I want to live like Jesus like you did. I still want that, I learned everything from you, and though I fail many days, I still strive every day to be like you.
5. Your death made me stronger.
Your death was something I never thought I would live through. I didn't think I could live without you, I didn't think this world needed me without you. But, the things you always taught me, I really learned after you passed. I learned to rely on Jesus for everything, I learned to live out my Faith like you did, I learned to love like you did. You leaving was one of the worst things ever imaginable, and it's still difficult, but no doubt it has made me stronger.
These are just a few of the things I would tell you if you were still here. These are the things I want you to always know and never forget.