If I could go back to the start of 2016 and give myself some advice, this is what I would say:
1. This election year will be all sorts of crazy. Pray for our country and then hope for the best.
2. Don't worry that you're out of shows to watch, Netflix's got you covered. They have some good stuff coming out in 2016, you just wait!
3. Don't be alarmed when people start taking videos of frozen people in the middle of the street. It's apparently going to be some sort of challenge video.
4. All these funny dances will come out that start to become a trend. Let loose and have fun with it. Hey, you might even end up on Ellen for it.
5. Hold onto your Adam Levine crush because he's still the only reason people watch the voice.
6. Relive your childhood in a new movie thats going to come out. You will be in a children's movie theatre full of adults. Just a reminder to never let go of your young spirit.
7. Life is short. Make sure you remind those you love how valuable they are to you. Live each day to the fullest because terrorism and racism is going to be a big problem in 2016.
8. A gorilla will become the face of the internet. Don't be alarmed. It will pass over eventually. Nah, it won't.
9. Watch where your driving because 40-year-old men will be roaming the streets running after virtual pokemon.
10. Look in the mirror and tell yourself your face is fine the way it is. Because the internet will try to convince you that your lips should look like a Kardashian's.
12. Bet your money on the team you don't think will win the world series. Even if that team hasn't won the world series in 108 years. Put every single dollar on it.
Well, 2016 is the year where you will wonder why you should stay living in America. It's the year that the strangest things happen and the worst nightmares became true. So y'all, let's make a deal to make 2017 better.