"Mom, speak in English!"
"Dad, PLEASE don't come into class and give a presentation on Eid and Syria!!"
These were common phrases I said as a tween and early teen. I would get embarrassed any time my parents spoke to me in Arabic in front of my peers and they would laugh because they didn't know what we were saying. I was sad when I realized I was one of the only kids in my class who didn't celebrate Christmas or Hanukah but frustrated when my parents tried to come in and teach my class about OUR special holidays. I was annoyed when my parents tried to teach me about Syrian history or all the famous Arabs who did big things in the world or how the Middle East is the basis for everything in history. I was always mad when people would talk about going to their grandparent's houses knowing that mine were super...SUPER far away. I got shy and defenseless when kids would "jokingly" ask me if my uncle worked for Al-Qaeda.
But, like anything, with time there is revelation. And If I were to go back and talk to my tween self I would give her some perspective that she can't see yet.
Younger Haya,
Just wait a couple of years. Wait and watch how people will sit in awe and jealousy after they hear you speak Arabic to your parents over the phone. They will think it is so cool that you fluently speak another language, especially one they don't hear very often.
Wait and see how people are intrigued about the Muslim religion. Wait and see how they will ask you questions to help them on their World Religions assignments or ask you to explain how being Muslim is different (but oh so similar) to being Christian or Jewish. Stand up and be assertive when making the point to people that Al-Qaeda and ISIS members are the furthest thing from Muslim. It's okay to go against the crowd and tell them that those racist jokes are not funny. Enjoy having a cool, unique religion that your classmates don't celebrate.
Wait and see how you will find this deep hearted pride in being from Syria. You will speak about that great country as if you had lived there your whole life. Respect its deep rooted history and enjoy my trips there every summer (before the war comes and they're gone).
Wait and see how shocked by interested and confused when you tell them you're Arab when all they see is fair skin, freckles, and red hair. It's okay...defy stereotypes!
Be proud that you are Syrian. Be proud that your family lives half-way across the world because that means you travel more than a lot of your classmates ever will! Be proud that you are the daughter of two incredible immigrants. Be proud to be of the Muslim faith and heritage. Be proud that you have an entirely different perspective on race, language, and religion that a lot of people have to learn. Be proud and defend your incredible and historic culture, because I wish I had done it when I was your age.