It’s been a whopping 11 years since the last episode of "Sex and the City" aired (I still watch it to this day, both the show and the movies). I learned many life lessons throughout the series about boys, friends, food, NYC, jobs, and just life in general. I relate to Carrie Bradshaw on so many levels. While I’ll miss all of that, what I’ll miss the most is CARRIE BRADSHAW’S FASHION. CB always surprised us with the most shocking outfits, whether they were to die for or needed to be killed. So, as a tearful ode to my favorite HBO drama, here’s a look back at some of the style standouts of the six seasons and two movies I so happily watched.
Classic Carrie Bradshaw
The sleek, slimming, dresses that sat perfectly on her body. It was the world’s introduction to the one woman that would have the power to capitalize on everything women adore about fashion.
The Tutu
If there ever was a piece of fashion that summed up CB, it would have to be the tutu.
New Year's Best
Such an emotional moment as Carrie rushes through the streets of NYC in her signature fur look, to accompany a sad Miranda on New Year's Eve.
Stylin' While Skatin'
Because why wouldn’t you dress like this to go ice skating?
A Dior Reunion
That heart melting moment when Carrie saw Aidan again in Abu Dhabi? Dior (and Aidan) have never looked so good.
I Heart NY
This outfit was certainly memorable. Not only was it the outfit Carrie wore on her farewell date with Big before he left New York, but it was also made famous when Miranda went into labor, and her water broke on Carrie’s shoes. The episode was titled “I Heart NY” and was dedicated to the city after the tragedy of 9/11.
The BIG Time
How can we forget the dress that Carrie wore in Paris when Big FINALLY confesses his feelings?
The White Dress
A Lot Going On
This outfit has a lot going on, but CB manages to make it look flawless. (feat. her signature fur coat).
High End Dramatics
The Wedding Dress
How can we forget the incredible Vivienne Westwood creation? Although CB had a horrible day, she still looked FAB!
Keeping it Casual
CB wanted to "keep it casual" for her date with Berger.
Put a Belt On It
Maybe CB should've put the belt around her waist, not mid stomach. This outfit would've made best look without the belt!
CB Back In The Day
Okay maybe I should be a little more lenient since this was the fashion back in her day. BUT, it is not the fashion now and should stay back in the 80's.
Extra, Extra! Read All About It
The Cowgirl
Baring It All
Just because it's Gucci doesn't make it okay to wear around your waist, sorry not sorry CB.
Bondage Pearls
The Polka Dot Disaster
What Is This
I have no words. This was such a horrible choice.
The Blue Blow Up
The lilac dress underneath looks like it could be fab, but the blue off the shoulder blow up ruins its chances.
Mean Green
I think this dress has potential, minus the black bow, minus the yellow shoes and minus the yellow bag.
And the Worst
One, the colors don't mesh well. Two, WHY?
Many stylish female leads have come and gone in TV land, but none of them have quite left their mark like Carrie Bradshaw. From the moment she appeared on screen women everywhere began to bow down to the one female that could truly pull off any look. Not only did Carrie Bradshaw take fashion to the next level, but she single handily changed the face of high end brands like Manolo Blahnik, Dior, and of course Chanel. Without Carrie, women may not be as brave with fashion as they are today.
PSA: These best and worsts are in no particular order.