Everyone always assumes working in a restaurant is easy; being a hostess, bus boy/girl or a waitress is easy. But, anyone who does work in a restaurant will disagree. Hostessing isn't just walking customers to their table. When you hostess you have to watch what sections you seat people in so all of the waiters/waitresses get seated fairly. Sometimes you have to clean off tables, and sometimes you have to get drinks. As a bus boy/girl there are usually a couple of you on to clear all of the tables and in a larger sized restaurant, it gets busy. As a waitress/waiter you are dealing with the people and the food, and making sure everyone is happy. All of these jobs aren't as simple as they seem. Working in a restaurant has some perks, but it has taught me a lot about being a customer. When you work in a restaurant you see the other side, you get a whole new understanding. Anyone who works in a restaurant has a little bond with each other. I love working in a restaurant, I love getting to know our regular customers and knowing what they get to drink without even asking them. Some customers I know so well, they're like my family.
Working in a restaurant has taught me how to be a good customer. I'm sure anyone who works in the food business can understand this.
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Here are something's I have learned:
1. Tip, tip, tip.
Working in a restaurant we rely on our tips because we make $3 or less an hour. When we do everything perfectly and still get a bad tip, it sucks. Understand that we don't get paid minimum wage, and our tips are everything.
2. Have manners.
It's a little offending when we bust our butts for a table, making sure they're happy and they can't even say please or thank you. Hearing a customer say those words, it's music to our ears. It's fantastic, and it's common courtesy.
3. If something is wrong with the food, don't blame the server.
As servers we don't make the food, just deliver it. If your steak isn't cooked enough, it isn't the servers fault.
4. Have patience.
Patience is key. Sometimes it gets busy and we have multiple tables. You might have to wait for food, or that refill. But if you have patience, it'll make everything better, we will get to you.
5. Don't go somewhere if they're closing in 10 minutes.
Go somewhere and give yourself enough time before they close. Don't come in if we're closing in 10 minutes. There's a high chance that everything is cleaned up and turned off at this point, but now we have to turn it back on for you. There's a special place in hell for people who walk in right when we're about to leave.
There are days when I have a love/hate relationship with my job. But, when I hate it it's usually because of something a customer did. Working in a restaurant isn't as easy as it looks. We get asked dumb questions sometimes, we sometimes have to wait on jerks, we sometimes have to run around like a chicken without a head. But, we do it, because it's our job. Despite the times when it sucks, I do love my job for the most part. I have created relationships with people that I never would've made if it wasn't for my job. Working in a restaurant has pros and cons, and it has taught me a lot about being a good customer. I can go into a restaurant and know how these workers feel. Knowing that changes everything.