Congratulations, you made the first step by signing up for Formal Recruitment! This is by far the biggest step you'll make during this process, and I have to say as someone who waited a year to go through Recruitment, it takes a lot of balls.
This is the week that you become vulnerable, a little intimidated and extremely nervous. You will definitely have all the feels in the world and possibly question if this is the right thing for you. You will overthink a lot, on top of thinking about everything else: your new roommate, moving in, your schedule, what you'll eat for dinner tonight (pizza, or Ramen?), and just about everything else in the world. So here is my advice to ease your mind for this coming week:
One of the things to keep in the back of your mind as you're going through the process is that being dropped from a house doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. This happens to everyone, and it is 100% completely normal. You are still that absolutely beautiful, awesome and amazing person you were yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every day after that. The selection process is based on the chapter houses knowing that you might be a great fit in their house, but you would be able to shine and be the best you at another chapter house. So don't be discouraged if/when that house you liked with those great pillars and super nice women drop you; understand that we're helping you find your forever home!
This is also important: Panhellenic is a great and supportive community to be a part of. One of the stereotypes of Greek Life and sororities in general is that each chapter competes with other chapters and that is so much farther from the truth. Every chapter wants the best for other chapters; we support every chapter and respect each chapter as a whole. There is nothing stronger than the bond of sisterhood, so seeing every chapter on your campus come together as a Panhellenic Community is one of the most amazing things you will ever witness.
When you're in your group of Potential New Members, there will be women who put the chapter you like down or say negative things about them. While going through this process, the one and only thing you should be concerned about is what you think of a certain chapter, outside opinions put aside. You are finding your home, not anybody else's, and therefore the opinion that should matter the most is what your Recruitment Counselor thinks. This is probably one of the hardest things to keep in mind, but if you do this and keep an open mind and stick to what you think, I promise Recruitment will be a breeze.
If there's anything to take away from this: be you and only you. The only way a chapter house will know if you are the right fit for them is to just be yourself. Each house sees the best in you, but you seeing the best in yourself, what you value, and who you are is the most important thing you can do in this process. Do not doubt or underestimate yourself, and trust me when I say you will learn more about yourself during this week than you will in any other circumstance during your college career.
For every woman reading this and going through Formal Recruitment: I wish you the very best of luck in whatever decision you make, and when in doubt, always trust the process.
However, I also want to say this: if you go through this process and realize this may not be for you, I personally thank you for trying. I hope that though I may not know that I wish you the very best and your college experience is just as perfect and amazing as you are.