"In ten years, you won't even think about what happened in high school." If I had a dollar for every time my dad said that to me, I'd have enough money to pay for college tuition.
When I look back on high school, I can't help but think about all the things that I could have avoided if someone had just told me the things I know now.
So here's some advice for all the high school girls out there:
1. Don't ever spend more than 50 bucks on an outfit that will probably be out of style in a month.
2. Don't be afraid of your own light, it's bright for a reason. Do not dull yourself for anyone or anything. Don't let anyone convince you that you can't be you. Stop being afraid of your potential.
3. In ten years no one will care about your high school football team, trust me.
4. Just because your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you have to.
5. If you think high school is hard, wait until college.
6. Have the courage to believe in something.
7.Cherish your relationship with your best friend, she's the one that will always be there.
8. Tone down the makeup a bit there, champ.
9. Make time for yourself more and stop focusing on other people so much
treat yo' self
10. Choose your friends wisely. Everyone isn't your best friend.
11. But also love and appreciate the people that are in your life
12. If it feels like you shouldn't be there, you probably shouldn't be there.
13. Be kind to your mother. There will come a day when you'll regret every disrespectful thing you've ever said to her.
14. Listen to your parents. They didn't just get here yesterday and they know much more than you think.
15 . Love yourself
Stop waiting for other people to love and accept you and make time to love yourself. Love your curves, love your strong and witty spirit. Everything about you is perfect not because someone else says so, but because you know it to be true.
16. Friends aren't always forever and that's okay. Life goes on. `
17. Even though there's so much to look forward to after high school, don't try to grow up too fast. You'll never be able to go back again.
18. Hang out with your brother more. He's kinda cool.
19. Don't give up on yourself so fast.
20. There's bigger problems in the world than your own
21. Live in the moment
22. But don't dwell either. Life goes on after high school.
23. Having a boyfriend is overrated
24. Have faith in yourself or no one else will
25. Sex means more than you think it does
26. Eat that cheeseburger. You know you want it.
27. Don't let another person's opinion of you define who you are.
28. Boys aren't that important right now. Guys are great, but they also have a tendency to suck. It's not worth the heartache, so focus on your friends and school.
29. But if you do get hurt, don't let it define you. You are strong, unique, and beautiful. Besides, life has a funny way of working itself out.
30. Set the bar high and reach.
31. When you get your license, be careful. Being behind the wheel is a bigger deal than you think it is
32.Embrace your weirdness. It's more fun to be weird than normal
33. Dream big. Don't ever, ever stop dreaming
34. Be your own cheerleader, not your worst critic
35. Speaking of cheerleading, that's not the center of who you are
36. Read a book. Don't watch TV.
37. Be a little kinder. You never know where life will take you.