To be honest, I really didn’t care about some of the information that I was learning while in high school. I didn’t care that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I didn’t care what the equation on how to find slope was (it’s y=mx+b by the way). I just didn’t care. I was taught that by going to school you would learn so much useful and helpful information that I would use in my future. So wait, how do I do taxes again? And what the heck is a credit score?
Basically what I’m trying to say is that I wish high schools would teach REAL life lessons that can help students with their futures. I wish they taught lessons on how to do taxes, pay a mortgage, write a resume or cover letter, and the list just goes on. I wish they taught real life information that I can apply to real life situations. Don’t get me wrong, it is very important to at least have some knowledge on the history of the world, science and physics, and how to calculate statistics. But it’s even more important to know information that can help us in our everyday life. I can say that high school did prepare me for college from an education aspect. But I’m still not prepared for when I graduate. I feel so overwhelmed with all of the information that I have yet to learn; information that I should be learning everyday. Trust me, I have typed many things into Google trying to learn and understand what they are. But I feel like actually experiencing them in real life is way different.
So from this, I believe that schools should start teaching useful information. I’m not saying that they should get rid of the other classes, because those are just as important. But by teaching students useful information that they will need to know when they’re older will help them be even more prepared for their future.