What I Wish For My Daughter | The Odyssey Online
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What I Wish For My Daughter

Your hateful words have drastic consequences

What I Wish For My Daughter

If you say mean things about other people on social media, you are a terrible person.

It doesn't matter if it's a private Twitter, or any other social media platform. There's no such thing as privacy on the Internet. If you don't think that people can see the tweets you write just because a company tells you they are protected then you are an idiot.

I never truly understood how girls could be so mean. There is nothing worse than an emotional uptight teenage girl when she wants to hurt someone's feelings. I have seen girls tear each other apart on the Internet, girls who used to be best friends.

So those tweets that you think are funny about the girl wearing ugly clothes, or the girl who doesn't know how to put make-up on will be seen. Somehow that girl is going to see it. That girl is going to see the mean words that you were sharing about her to everyone in the world. What did she do to deserve that? Be herself? Wear her favorite shirt? Do something that brings her happiness?

And when that young girl can't take it anymore, can't take all of the hatred and negativity that you have surrounded her with, you'll have something much bigger on your shoulders. If you have contributed at all to hurting someone's feelings, and they hurt themselves or commit suicide, you are responsible.

You are not the only person responsible; you might not even be the only thing responsible. But you are damn well part of the reason why another human being wants to hurt themselves or end their life.

You are part of the reason that someone hates their life so much that they no longer want to live it. They don't want to be surrounded by their favorite things and no longer want to be with their family and friends.

You contributed to that young girl picking up a razor and cutting into her skin. You made her hate herself so much that she wants to damage herself. It will give her a reminder of the negativity she feels because of the way you treated her.

You're a contributor of the starvation a young girl goes through because apparently your standard of skinny is something she should follow. She stops eating her favorite food and when she's in the cafeteria at lunch she lies and says she "forgot her lunch at home."

You are the reason that the young girl's lungs are gasping for air and tears and screams wreck out of her body while she lays in her bed at night. Because at night, it's the worst. At night she has nothing better to do than look at all of the negativity that is surrounding her. She will think about the snickering comments you made about her while she walked down the hall. She will remember the way you took a picture of her presenting in class and posted it online with hateful words. She will remember everything you have said about her and it will all hit her at once until the pillow she rests her head on becomes soaked with tears from the hatred she feels towards herself.

If I were to ever have a daughter, I hope she never has to go through this. I hope she never has to read the words of what someone thinks about her after she changes in gym class. I hope she never has to listen to people's opinions on her favorite outfit. I hope she never has to read other people's opinions about her. Because the only opinion that matters would be her own.

More importantly, I hope my daughter never has to be on the other side of this. I hope she never has to convince her friends to put down the knife. I never want her to lie to her friends' mothers about the scars on her legs and the bags under her eyes.

But if she is anything like her mother, then she will be that friend, that sister. She will be the one to pick up the sad little girl and wipe her tears. She will be the girl to stand up to bullies and spread the love. My child will be the one to hold her friend close at night and never let go until the morning. She will be the young girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and defends the sad little girl in the gym locker room. She will be just like her mother. I hope my sweet, strong child never has to talk long into the night to convince her friend that her life is worth it.

Because what kind of life is that to live?

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