“What are you going to do with your degree?”. I am venturing into my senior year and contemplating what to do with my degree. Do I go on to graduate school? Should I become a lawyer,or what? Well, last night at dinner, I spoke to a girl in her sophomore year that also doesn’t know what she wants yet, and thought… “Why should I choose yet?”. I understand most of you are thinking “aren’t you a senior? You have loans to pay, and a life to live.” Well, my answer is I love writing, but I’m a history major. I could become a lawyer, freelance writer, start a blog, be an archivist, and so much more, and right now I don’t want to limit myself. The question posed at the beginning of this article stands as my most hated phrase, because I continually hear that, but don’t know. I want multiple things, but most of all I want to have something that I am passionate about as my career. I don’t want to sit at a desk. I want to live, explore, create, and mean something.
Many people are fine with working a 9-to-5 job once they leave school, and I thought I would be too, but I am not. My need for exploration and creativity drives my want to not stay in one place, even now in part-time jobs none last for years, because I want to see multiple things. I’ve loved writing since I was young, but never thought that I would get anywhere and recently my passion for writing sparked again and something in me says that it’s what I need to do. To everyone who doesn’t know what they want to do after college, remember to follow your dream and you’ll find what you NEED to do. A career is something you love, a job is just another day. I always thought about the expense of doing what I want, that I wouldn’t make enough money to live but the support from my parents and loved ones to strive for my dreams and make my wants a career have changed my view of “What will you be?” I want to write, but I want to be free and explore and I plan to do that. To anyone asking this question, reflect on the things that make you happiest, because as I type this out I continue to smile because I have freedom over my own choices, and remember so do you.