Have you ever been asked, "what are you going to do with that?" There are a plethora of different majors at every college for students to pick through and do exactly what they like. Southern New Hampshire University has diverse majors from business, and education, all the way to video game designing, to creative writing. All of these majors, whether or not they are similar to every university, or unique to only some have many students interested in them. An interesting major that is unique to Southern New Hampshire University is Creative Writing.
Creative Writing is one of those majors in which people ask, "what are you going to do with that?" There are many options for those who study in the creative writing field. For instance, becoming a published author is the big goal many students in this major have. Succeeding at this goal is possible, but more difficult without training and networking that school provides.
Just because english majors cannot go off and run their own companies, or art majors cannot become a scientist, or a doctor with their majors doesn't mean they can't find an equally successful job. English majors can do what they love, and even make it big. They can publish their work, they can teach, they can work in publishing houses, write for magazines, become reviewers, because there are a plethora of jobs designed for english majors.
Students go to school to do something with their lives, they go to school to become educated, and to later find a job within that field. Why would this process be any different for english and creative writing majors? At the end of our schooling we are off to find the same thing everyone else has. A career.