If there is one thing that this past election has made me think of it's the idea of legacy and what we leave behind. With the question of the future of our nation looming, I also started thinking about how all of this would affect future generations, how the things I choose to do now will someday be the legacy that I'm leaving behind.
I sometimes find myself living only in the right now. How is this decision going to affect me right now, what am I doing today, what am I watching on TV tonight. But sometimes something comes along and makes us think about something larger than that. For me, it was this election.
I don't want to leave behind a legacy of hate, of sexism, of violence. While the President of our Nation may be a prime example of these things and more, I don't have to be. I know that some people don't agree with my opinion and that's okay. While the election is what made me start thinking about this, it's not the only example of hate, it's not the only example of racism or sexism.
We can all make the decision to be good, honest , loving and most of all kind people. We can all choose to be inclusive, to love everyone, to not judge. While we may not all agree on everything, we can all agree that we want a better future, for ourselves and for the future generations we leave behind.
So be kind to each other. Celebrate each other. LOVE each other. Don't give in to fear because someone is different than you or because someone is telling you that they're dangerous. Give freely, of your love, your help and share the opportunities that you take for granted. We are all here together on this one tiny planet and most of us are just trying to live. Let's make it a good life.