Its over folks. Donald Trump is now the elected president of the United States of America. Sure, President Obama will still hold office until January 1, 2017 but shortly there after we will be referring to Trump as Mr. President.
This election was one for the text books without a doubt. It was full of hate, scandals, mud slinging and name calling. I personally loved the "Nasty Woman" comment at the last presidential debate, and if Hillary Clinton is a 'nasty woman" you might as well call me one too.
But this isn't about who I voted for, or who you voted for for that matter. This is about the slogan "Make America Great Again" and what it really means and what it's really going to take to do that.
That slogan has done a lot of speaking for itself over the last year and a half of this presidential race. A lot of people gave it its own meaning.
Let's round up everyone who isn't white and send them back to some country they didn't come from or immigrated from in the first place in order to seek a better life here in America.
Let's dismantle Planned Parenthood and call every woman seeking an abortion a murderer.
Let's put a label on what love is and tell Sally and Sarah their love for one another goes against what God has said and condemn them from getting married and having a family.
None of this is what's going to make America great again. Not. One. Bit.
What we should focus on is making America kind again. Making it caring, loving, open.
America wasn't ever meant to be some hateful land hardened by the closed minds of those who inhabit it.
I love being an American. I love being free. I salute those who sacrifice their own safety in order to make sure I can lay my head down at night and sleep peacefully.
I salute my brother who I haven't seen in a year because he has been overseas making sure we are all safe at home.
But what I don't love about America is this intolerance we've been unable to let go of over the decades.
If you want America to be great again, say hello to the woman wearing a hijab.
Be kind to your neighbor who speaks broken English.
Go to the soup kitchen once a month and feed the hungry.
Help the dad buy his son's soccer gear by shopping small business.
Do these things because this is what will open your hearts and help make this once great nation great again.
Congratulate the newlyweds whether they be heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, whatever "sexual" they want to be.
Do not fear the black man walking down the street just because of the color of his skin.
Do not fear the man wearing a turban on a plane.
Do not disrespect those who wear a Kipa and attend a Synagogue.
Stand up for those who you see being bullied or harassed, because doing nothing makes you just as guilty.
You see no one man is going to make American great again. It is up to us, the people, the foundation of this nation to open our hearts and our minds. That is the key.
And to Mr. Trump, I hope you prove me wrong with your presidency. I hope you do good, I hope you produce good. And I'm wishing you well.