One of the best things about the 2016 election is all of the jokes that come out of it. Trump and Clinton are practically writing SNL’s next script for them. There have ever been so many memes about politics before. I think a lot of us are waiting for some kind of punch line or plot twist here, but sadly this really is our future.
Just what would our future be like if Trump won the 2016 election?
1. A real sausage party.
Misogyny. There would be misogyny everywhere, women in the kitchen, and men in business. I hope you weren’t too fond of the 19th Amendment or women’s suffrage, because we all know how that’s going to turn out.
2. Probably World War III.
Trump has already pissed off half of the human population and he’s only a presidential candidate. You’re not going to tell me that Trump wouldn’t be the one to initiate World War III. I’m pretty sure he would have declared war on Hillary by now if it was possible.
3. The rise of the Furbys.
If Trump wins the presidency it’s all downhill from there. Exhibit A would be the rise of the Furbys. There’s a good chance Trump and the Furbys are in on this together. There is no way a hamster/owl-like creature was created with good intentions, and there’s absolutely no way Donald Trump was created with good intentions either. Who knows what other things they have in common. Ever notice how you never see Donald Trump and a Furby in the same room? Weird..
4. You’ve heard of Trump University, now get ready for Trump Secondary School!
Yes, you’ve got it right, Trump Secondary School! An all-male institute of higher learning where your 5 year old is taught to keep immigrants out of the country! Tuition is twice as much as your family’s combined income, but that’s okay - your son will receive a quality education at Trump’s school.
5. Dogs will have to step up their game and talk to us.
I don't think anyone would complain about this really, but dogs are not here to clean up our messes. They will probably be the only ones to get us through the next 4 years if Trump becomes president as the only pure things left on this planet. They probably have so much to say about the decisions we’ve made, and if there is any way we’re going to come back from this mistake, we’re going to have to establish communication. With the guidance of these precious creatures, we will be able to withstand the Trump presidency.
6. We will lose Betty White.
Betty White is older than sliced bread. She has seen so many things and taken so much shit in her lifetime that Trump’s victory would push her over the edge. She's come so far, we can't disappoint her like this. A world without Betty White is no world to live in. We must protect her at all costs.
If you have any self respect, don't vote for Trump. You will get pregnant, and die.