As soon as I visited Nazareth Academy for the first time back in 7th grade, I knew that was where I wanted to be. I attended all of the summer camps in 7th grade, took the pre-8th test, went to the pre-9th camps, and fell even more in love. Being a panda was a dream of mine and when I finally sat down with Sister Mary Joan and she told me I was accepted, I began to cry. My dreams were coming true and I was so excited to begin a whole new journey with a small group of complete strangers.
First day of freshman year, I remember that I was so nervous. I knew some people already because of the camps I had previously attended but I still felt completely alone. It didn't take me long to find friends and I also tried out for their cheerleading team. I have always had a home-like-feeling whenever I was there but it felt even more like home when I had family there.
Nazareth is a special place (figuratively and literally). It didn't take much to fit in either because the teachers were just as weird and quirky as the rest of us. Mrs. Hoffman loves telling us about all of her crazy life adventures, Mr. Roche loves to correct people and talk about food (and the worm that ate through his stomach which requires him to eat the full lunch tray of food every hour), Doc Roche who never really taught you out of the books but did teach you many life lessons, and Cammy, need I say more? Mr. Clark walking into Ms. Sheridan's room just to get on her nerves and what have you, Doc Fischer teaching until the end of every period and continuing to teach as you walk out of the classroom, and I have learned so much from each and every teacher that I have ever had there, and yes, even Mrs. Warwick because who could survive their first gynecological appointment without her telling you the story of her at her gynecologist's office and one of her past students coming in as a medical intern to observe her appointment.
Before I even graduated, I missed the gooeylicious cookies that made me gain the freshman 15, sophomore 15, and junior 15. I really missed the old lunch ladies because Brock is definitely not as lit as our old lunches, sorry not sorry Karen. But now that I am an alumni of Naz, many memories will be held close to my heart. Like the time we went home early because the power went out (#nazblackout2k13) and putting #nazgirlproblems after everything that happened at school.Nazareth holds such a big place in my heart. I will miss being able to walk into the chapel every day throughout school to say a quick Hail Mary before one of Cammy's tests and holding hands during the Our Father. I'll miss jamming out to the 'Bible Song' and 'Days of Elijah'. I'll miss annoying Greenewald by asking for a free 8th every day and hearing Sr. Teresa Mary go on hour long rants about absolutely nothing.
Things like Kairos (KLI forever), prom, going to cheerleading National's in Disney World, and being able to literally roll out of bed and go to school without having to get ready, will be truly missed. I wear my class ring every-single-day and when people ask where I went to school, I proudly say "Nazareth Academy High School." I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to attend such an amazing place and am also truly blessed to have the endless support of my family and friends. I start my new journey at Holy Family University on Monday, August 29th and a part of me wants to slip into my jumper and walk into Nazareth as if I never left.
#NazBecause it will always be my home.
P.S. If anyone knows how to not awkwardly interact with boys at school, let me know because I keep forgetting Holy Family isn't an all-girl school.